panoptes / POCS

An Observatory Control System for the PANOPTES citizen-science project designed to help find transiting exoplanets! :telescope: :stars:
MIT License
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POCS install: fails to install astrometry-net #1212

Closed oguyon closed 7 months ago

oguyon commented 7 months ago

Log shows: E: Unable to locate package astrometry-net

Consequently, subsequent packages fail to install, as this command fails:

sudo apt-get -y -qq install \ ack \ astrometry-net \ astrometry-data-tycho2-10-19 \ byobu \ curl \ dcraw \ exiftool \ fonts-powerline \ gcc \ htop \ httpie \ jo \ jq \ libcfitsio-bin \ make \ nano \ vim-nox \ supervisor \ wget

wtgee commented 7 months ago

Thanks, that would do it. I've put in a fix at #1213. We can also add an --ignore-missing option but I think I would rather it complain more loudly than fail silently.