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Joint Annual meeting PaNOSC/ExPaNDS #53

Closed JBodera closed 3 years ago

JBodera commented 4 years ago

It has been agreed that a joint PaNOSC/ExPaNDS annual meeting is desirable and a possible range of dates suggested: 19/10/2020 to 01/11/2020.

As per PMC 29/01/2019:

It is required to 1. Confirm exact dates 2. Confirm maximum number of attendees

JBodera commented 4 years ago

This is a summary of the meetings / conversations that have been taking place so far regarding the joint annual meeting:

5th call (06.04.2020)

Thanks for today's meeting, here is the summarised record:

We didn't agree on a next meeting, I think we can aim for a next checkpoint at the end of W17?

4th call (23.03.2020)

Following our talk with Nicoletta, Florian and Patrick, we agreed on the following: We have between 1h30 and 2h for the external talks so we can look for 3 speakers max. We'll short-list those speakers with these 3 different perspectives in mind:
__1. Insider view on EOSC (so Jan Hrušák)

  1. Showcasing a success-story on FAIR from a scientific point of view, something really concrete and by a scientist
  2. Visionary talk from an expert, preferably not European__

Here's the link to the shared document we'll use to further investigate the different speakers identified so far:
(to open in onlyoffice so we can keep it a collaborative file)

We also agreed on keeping the other session of Monday pm high level, with an overview by the 2 coordinators and a focus on some achievements by the technical coordinator or relevant experts, but no systematic WP presentation.

3rd call (04.03.2020)

Here is a quick summary, please comment if needed:

First day: 09.11.2020

Second day: 10.11.2020

Third day: 11.11.2020

A first draft programme will be distributed by Florian/Renata in the following weeks.

2nd call (Feb 2020)

We agreed on the following:

Florian explained that:


  • Think of a guest that would agree to come and give a presentation on an EOSC related deliverable/milestone (all)
  • Check with French partners that they saw that the 11.11 was during the planned dates by next Tuesday (Sophie)
  • Confirm date and format with all WP leaders by next Wednesday (Andy and Patrick)
  • Come up with a first budget estimate (Florian and Renata)
servansod commented 4 years ago

Summary of the following meetings:

6th call (23.04.2020)

Here are the few notes from our earlier meeting, please comment whenever needed:

7th call (25.05.2020)

8th call (08.06.2020)

The Clara Futura Hotel is likely to still be closed by the time of the annual meeting. Hotels in Prague will have to be considered instead. Our short-term objective is to publish the Indico page with the latest version of the programme and open registration. The webpage will clearly indicate that participation in the first half-day can be on-site or remote and that the final decision on the on-site option will be made at the end of Summer. It should be clear from the announcement that the event WILL take place anyway. We reviewed the programme and agreed on the changes captured in the attached version. This includes:

9th call (15.06.2020)

10th call (26.06.2020)

  1. Invitation letter to speakers

    • Patrick and Andy send their signature to Kat
    • Kat makes the different pdf versions with signature for each speaker and sends to Florian for final check
    • Kat sends the letters (per email) to all speakers, with Renata in cc.
    • Renata will follow up with the speakers to discuss their travel and accommodation requirements, if any. Deadline: next 2-3 weeks is fine
  2. Registration pages

    • and
      • Renata to change the name of the symposium to 'Photon and Neutron EOSC Symposium'
      • Nicoletta to send the photo consent form from last year's PaNOSC annual meeting to Florian and Renata
      • Renata to add the form + change the options for "in person / remotely" to "in person if possible, remotely otherwise / remotely only"
      • All to check both pages and suggest changes before 1st of July
  3. Promotional letters

    • All to check the final version Nicoletta sent before 1st of July
  4. when 2 and 3 ok, Dissemination!

    • LEAPS & LEAPS-IT: Andy
    • LENS: Nicoletta
    • EOSCsecretariat: Sophie
    • XFEL user office mailing list: Florian
    • LaserLab Europe: Florian
    • ESFRI: Florian
    • Wayforlight: Florian
    • Calispo Plus: Florian
    • Light sources communicators: Kat
    • ExPaNDS partners (incl. EGI) + twitter + webpage: Kat
    • PaNOSC partners + twitter + webpage: Nicoletta
  5. Start thinking about WP-day within each project

servansod commented 4 years ago

11th call (13.07.2020)

Indico pages

Invitation letter to speakers

  • Florian to send email address of Jan Hrušák to Kat, Andy shall sent Kat email addresses of Rupert Lueck (she has already Susan Daenke's)
  • Florian to contact Filipe Maia again, second speaker for FAIR, to see whether he could take part
  • Both POs of both projects should be formally invited – personalised pdf letter by Kat
  • Kat will finalize the different pdf versions with signatures for each speaker and send them to Florian for final check
  • Kat will send the letters (per email) to all speakers, with Renata in cc.
  • Renata will follow up with the speakers to discuss their travel and accommodation requirements, if any.

Promotional letter

  • All to review Nicoletta’s promotional letter – Florian will send his comments together with the suggestions of the Indico’s welcome page

Symposium programme

Programme of annual meeting

Collaboration agreement between DESY and ELI

  • Florian will send a draft to Sophie
servansod commented 4 years ago

12th call (21.08.2020)

The new structure of the annual meeting

Given the first answers to the survey on travel preferences (60% saying they wouldn't travel even if it is formally allowed out of 26 responses) and the current situation, it has been agreed that the event will be organized as an online event only, symposium and internal annual meeting alike.

Considering this, the 2nd day which was intended for internal WP meetings can be left for each WP leader to decide when and with whom it should be held. This WP session is thus taken out of the event per se. The so-called 'wrap-up session' becomes then the central session of the internal all-hands meeting, with everyone presenting their achievements and roadmap to everyone else. To make it easier to follow online, we decided to spread this over 2 days. The updated agenda would then be:

9/11 pm – Symposium: same plan as before
10/11 am – WP status and roadmap (1/2): min 1 presentation per WP (can be co-presented with sister-WP), max 2.5 hours incl. breaks
11/11 am – WP status and roadmap (2/2): max 2.5 hours incl. breaks

Indico pages

  • Renata to update the program to reflect the change of the format of the event, Kat to help adapt the messages.

Once updated, the registration link should be disseminated and people be encouraged to register already. Argument to motivate people: the registrants will be contacted before the event to prepare the EOSC session so last minute registrants will not be able to have their say. Plus, the number of registrants will not be limited but if we're more than 300, the last registrants will only have access to the live broadcast.

Letter to speakers

  • The change of the meeting format needs to be communicated to the invited speakers (Kat and Florian).


  • The announcements shall be adjusted to the new format and the last version checked (Kat).

Costs shared between DESY and ELI

As no extra costs, apart from a potential online conferencing tool (which will disappear if we agree on Zoom), are foreseen, the agreement about the cost sharing between DESY and ELI is no longer necessary.

servansod commented 4 years ago

31.08.2020 call

With Andy, Patrick, Renata and Sophie we rapidly discussed and finally decided to join the 2 Indico pages to make things easier (for everyone except Renata!).

The 1st day's sessions will get a 'PUBLIC SESSION' label and the 2nd and 3rd days sessions will get an 'INTERNAL SESSION' label. The registration page will have 2 options: first day only or all three days.

As soon as we all agree on the changes (Renata and Andy will work on the page today) we can start the promotion, as discussed earlier.

Next call will be on the 21.09.2020 at 11am CEST In the ExPaNDS room. Hopefully we'll have promoted the event by then and sent the letters to speakers so we can start discussing the content of the first day, starting with the coordinator's session.

servansod commented 3 years ago

21.09.2020 call

Connection details/live streaming

User meeting program: “WP status and roadmap” – day 2 and day 3

It was agreed that:

1 WP1 WP1
2 WP2 WP2
3 WP3 WP3
4 WP4 WP4
5 WP5 N/A
6 WP6 WP1/Patrick
7 WP7 WP1
8 WP8 WP5
9 WP9 WP6

NB: order of the sessions still TBD.

Sophie and Florian will prepare a follow-up mail for WP leaders with format and objectives.

The respective PEB/PMC will then be used to follow-up on this and refine the agenda with WP leaders.

Joint EB/CB meeting

The possible joint CB/EB meeting would be on Wednesday afternoon so the boards can have the overview of the work done and roadmap before. Possible topics like "EOSC from a national perspective" or "How to reach users" were discussed. Follow-up:

  • agree on topic(s)
  • find a chair
  • confirm date and availability of the participants


Nicoletta adjusted the promotional messages with final feedback from Patrick & Andy.

We may now proceed with the promotion.

See previous minutes for dissemination list. Renata updated the Indico page with the last version of the banner and removed the mandatory telephone field for registration.

Kat and Florian are also finalising the letters to speakers.

Next meetings

One of the topics for next meeting: how we collect thoughts from registrants. From now on, the meetings will be held weekly, on Mondays @10am CEST, Kat already set up the Zoom meetings.

servansod commented 3 years ago

29.09.2020 call

Dissemination - checked


  • LEAPS: Nicoletta has volunteered to distribute the announcement to LEAPS (Ute Krell, Mirjam Van Daalen and Julia Hauk) and Andy will disseminate to LEAPS-IT
  • Patrick to invite ExPaNDS future PO and 5b coordinators


So far we have 59 registrants, and out of that 18 has registered only to the first day (Symposium), and 41 has registered to all days.

Programme for day 2 and day 3

Sophie presented a new structure of these two days. It is anticipated that there will be 9 sessions (each session will last approximately 40 min, 20 min for presentation and 20 min for discussion, with the exception of PaNOSC WP5 who has no sister WP and thus only 30 min), and one 30-minutes wrap-up session at the end. This extends the schedule to 13:00 for both mornings. Patrick and Andy volunteered to chair/moderate the internal sessions, 1 day each.

Follow up:

  • Renata will update the Indico page to reflect WP day schedule – day 2/3

Join EB/CB meeting

  • Each project is to send a message to their respective boards to remind them of the upcoming EB/CB meeting and ask if there are subjects they would like to discuss with other projects' facility representatives given the opportunity that everyone will be virtually gathered.

Letters to speakers

  • Follow up: Kat will send an updated letter to Florian by the end of today (29/09)

Email to WP leaders

The email has been prepared by Sophie and Florian, and will be updated taking in account the following inputs:

  • Follow up: Sophie/Florian to update and send the mail to WP leaders
  • Nicoletta/Patrick to share a ppt template with PaNOSC and ExPaNDS logos

Next meeting on 5th October

All to think who can moderate 2nd and 3rd session of day 1, and think of questions for the EOSC panel session.

JBodera commented 3 years ago

The annual meeting for 2020 was successfully completed and therefore this issue is no longer required. CLOSED