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Review Report: Open Access publications #65

Closed JBodera closed 3 years ago

JBodera commented 4 years ago

The Review Report in the page 2 (section 1.5) reads: - Carefully review the Open Access/Open Data Policy within the project and guarantee that all the scientific publications about the project have immediate publically available papers and Justify venues for publication. Regarding that, the project will last until 2022, consider to publish in the Open Research Europe platform that will be available at the beginning of 2021.

Also, in page 6 (section 4.4): • PaNOSC hast not published (at least yet) any scientific publication. However, in the Project Continuous Report, 8 “publications” are listed, all them as “gold” with is wrong, since they are not scientific publications and all of them are published as pre-prints in Zenodo. But one of them, even when listed as Gold Open Access, is a closed scientific peerreviewed, paper under a paywall. See: (Following a written remark, the COO responded that the beneficiary in question is in the process of getting gold access.)

 In the Communication and dissemination costs, I have not found any related to APC (Article Processing Charges). Taylor and Francis, the publisher of the Journal (Synchrotron Radiation News) is OA friendly even when it is not pure Open Access publisher. The consortium needs to explore the hybrid OA and apply urgently for its openness. This paper is also cited in the DMP. (Cf. update mentioned above.)

• Given the PaNOSC commitment with Open Science, open-notebooks etc. it is easy to think that they would publish in Open Access journals as well as they will deposit in a specific green repository (like Zenodo). This issue might be specifically addressed in the reviewed Communication and Dissemination Plan.

Some possible actions are:

JBodera commented 3 years ago

The article on now mentions the funding.

It is well understood that all publications must be open and include a reference to the EU grant agreement.