Hi, I've completely refactored the management commands (maintaining backward compatibility of course) to add in some new features and Yahoo Finance integration. New features and advantages:
An alternative to being tied into openexchangerates
YF provides symbols so you don't have to keep a file up-to-date
Added ability to get the list of currencies from settings
Added ability to get the desired base rate flag from settings
Automatic DB base rate change (even with a free oxr account)
Simple to add Google Calculator, ECB, etc handlers
I'll also update the documentation..
I've had to scrape the YF content and I guess there's no guarantee that things will stay where they are now
I've only tested on Django 1.9.9, BeautifulSoup 4.4.0, requests 2.11.1, urllib3 1.12, openexchangerates 0.1.1 and python 3.5.2
I haven't written any test cases
Happy to take feedback if there are any major headaches in there but really need to get back to the 'day job' ;) Would love to see this merged!
Hi, I've completely refactored the management commands (maintaining backward compatibility of course) to add in some new features and Yahoo Finance integration. New features and advantages:
Happy to take feedback if there are any major headaches in there but really need to get back to the 'day job' ;) Would love to see this merged!
Check it out!