panr / gatsby-starter-hello-friend

Pretty basic starter for Gatsby that covers all of the essentials. All you have to do is start typing!
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Can't change paths of pages in menu, or generate new #18

Closed averyfreeman closed 4 years ago

averyfreeman commented 4 years ago


I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I can't seem to add additional menu options in gatsby-config.js

I added:

        title: 'Design',
        path: '/design',

with corresponding in /src/pages

But it doesn't recognize it or create page-data.json in /public/page-data/design

Am I missing something? Thanks

panr commented 4 years ago

Did you set correct path in frontmatter, like path: "/design"?

Btw. I spotted some serious issue with React Helmet and I need to fix it soon. Don't know if this is related. The bug with RH appears when you click on Show more menu, then everything crushes...

averyfreeman commented 4 years ago

Thank you so much! That did it. I thought I had checked that already, but I was mistaken.

Sorry I'm asked such a simple question in your bug repo. I will post questions to Stack Overflow from now on.

I used it as an opportunity to learn a little more about command line:

history -w /dev/stdout
cd gatsby-starter-hello-friend/src/pages/
sed -i 's/showcase/design/g' 
sed -i 's/Showcase/Design/g' 
cd ../../ && gatsby develop

Works properly, and now I have a much better idea of what to look for re: new pages.

I have a question about your gatsby-node.js but I will ask in a separate issue for organization