panr / hugo-theme-hello-friend

Pretty basic theme for Hugo that covers all of the essentials. All you have to do is start typing!
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Add archive for tweets contenttype #314

Open mbootsman opened 1 year ago

mbootsman commented 1 year ago

Hi, I added a contenttype tweets in content and added some md files in the tweets directory. after that I added a file in the content directory. with this content:

title : "Tweets archive" 
layout : "list" 
url : "/tweets" 
type : "tweets"

In the layouts directory I added a tweets directory and in that folder a list.html file with the content of archive/list.html from the theme

When going to `localhost:1313/tweets` I now see the standard `archive/list.html` layout from the theme but with the posts, instead of the tweets. How do I make sure the `tweets/llist.html` only uses the `tweets` content type?