panrafal / depthy

Extract depth map and original from photos made with Google Camera's Lens Blur.
MIT License
1.31k stars 162 forks source link

This isn't really an issue - more like suggestions :-) #13

Open kbqvist opened 10 years ago

kbqvist commented 10 years ago

Thank you for making Dephty available - works very well with files from my nexus 4 phone :-)

I was thinking, given that the depth map is available, perhaps it would be possible for you to offer the possibility to save results as a left-right image pair and/or a red/cyan anaglyph?

Secondly, sometimes, when looking at the depth map one can pretty easily see the major issues that are causing problems in a particular image. My own image is an example of this. So I was thinking about an option that allowed the user to feed a jpg + a repaired depth map, processed in eg photoshop, back into dephty, and thus obtain an improved result?

Best regards Karsten

panrafal commented 10 years ago

Well, with some manual work, you can do image pairs and anaglyphs yourself - by tilting the image to it's extremes and screengrabbing. I think it's a bit niche functionality to implement.

As for depthmaps - it's already implemented :) Go to image properties (the rightmost icon) and click "New depthmap". I should phrase it differently I suppose...

P.S. I'm currently working on a new shader, which should solve some visual glitches. Stay tuned ;)

kbqvist commented 10 years ago

Thanks Rafael :-) On Jun 3, 2014 6:14 PM, "Rafał Lindemann" wrote:

Well, with some manual work, you can do image pairs and anaglyphs yourself

  • by tilting the image to it's extremes and screengrabbing. I think it's a bit niche functionality to implement.

As for depthmaps - it's already implemented :) Go to image properties (the rightmost icon) and click "New depthmap". I should phrase it differently I suppose...

P.S. I'm currently working on a new shader, which should solve some visual glitches. Stay tuned ;)

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WPW007 commented 9 years ago

Kbqvist, try Stereo Photomaker (free) to generate stereo pairs & batch process multi views from a Lens Blur file. You can then use Triaxes 3D Master Kit to interlace them & print Glasses-Free lenticular photos.

Rafal, pls can you add the option to load photos taken with HTC One M8 camera that also has depth data captured using their duo camera.

Thanks in advance. Will

WPW007 commented 9 years ago

Kbqvist, Triaxes Stereo Tracer also allows you to fine tune the depthmap & then produce stereo pairs or multi views.