panrafal / depthy

Extract depth map and original from photos made with Google Camera's Lens Blur.
MIT License
1.31k stars 162 forks source link

how to run in centos #42

Open adrianhust opened 5 years ago

adrianhust commented 5 years ago

run docker

Running "ngtemplates:html" (ngtemplates) task
File .tmp/scripts/templates.js created.

Running "ngtemplates:uibstemplates" (ngtemplates) task
File .tmp/scripts/bs-templates.js created.

Running "ngtemplates:svg" (ngtemplates) task
File .tmp/scripts/svg-templates.js created.

Running "autoprefixer:dist" (autoprefixer) task
File ".tmp/styles/main.css" prefixed.

Running "connect:livereload" (connect) task
Started connect web server on

Running "watch" task

it shows waiting, curl localhost:9000 fails, change ip setting, but remote access fails, so how to run in local machine to process images in batch? any hints ? thank you!