panrafal / depthy

Extract depth map and original from photos made with Google Camera's Lens Blur.
MIT License
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🌊 Meet DepthFlow: A Fully featured alternative #60

Open Tremeschin opened 6 months ago

Tremeschin commented 6 months ago

I'm sad that Depthy was abandoned, the last update was nearly a decade ago, it would have been perfect and convenient to unlock the third dimension of our images, if the feature set grew over time.

When I first saw it a few months ago, I knew how much could be done for content creators, artists or explorers in this AI era, and I had the infrastructure to do something


With my upcoming Shader Engine project called ShaderFlow, I made a Parallax / Depth Map estimation Scene as a sub-project of it, being named DepthFlow. The motion and everything is fully customizable, it's fast and with a great user experience.

adrot commented 1 month ago

This looks cool. Couple issues: Depthy is still more accessible because it can all be done from the phone itself. Camera app, phone browser, and presto. It's a miracle it still works today as the only thing that's faulty is the camera app on Android phones from recent years. I can't do anything without a PC on DepthFlow, so that's a pain when I'm on a trip. The Readme is not really that user friendly for what would be the average Depthy user. Personally, I am more saddened by the lack of a better and current camera app equivalent on Android phones.