Closed heymartinadams closed 4 years ago
Hey @heymartinadams
I will fix this over the weekend and make a new release :).
Thanks for reporting!
Hey @pantharshit00 , I am also getting this error after upgrading to Prisma 2.8.0:
PS C:\fode\mtchero\prisma> npm run generate
> prisma@ generate C:\fode\mtchero\prisma
> cross-env CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=1 DEBUG=prisma-client,engine npx prisma generate --schema=schema.prisma
Environment variables loaded from provided --schema directory
Prisma Schema loaded from schema.prisma
✔ Generated Prisma Client (version: 2.8.0) to .\..\node_modules\@prisma\client in 6.35s
TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
at C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:393:47
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:391:90
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at ModelGenerator.getModelOperations (C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:267:18)
at C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:506:34
at (<anonymous>)
at ModelGenerator.getModels (C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:500:38)
at ModelGenerator.getData (C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:512:26)
at new ModelGenerator (C:\fode\mtchero\node_modules\prisma-docs-generator\dist\generator\model.js:35:26)
✔ Generated DBML Schema to .\dbml in 640ms
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! prisma@ generate: `cross-env CHECKPOINT_DISABLE=1 DEBUG=prisma-client,engine npx prisma generate --schema=schema.prisma`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the prisma@ generate script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.
Hope to apply your fix this weekend.
Thanks for this amazing and valuable tool.
Published in 0.0.6
Hi @pantharshit00 since upgrading to latest Prisma, I’m getting the following error:
fixed the error, obviously, but it also means I can’t use it. Really hope your Prisma Docs Generator makes it into production at Prisma!