pantharshit00 / prisma-docs-generator

Prisma generator for automatically generating documentation reference from the Prisma schema.
MIT License
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Select property not included #60

Open jove4015 opened 1 year ago

jove4015 commented 1 year ago

I just tried this out and love the concept. However, for me the most important attribute of any prisma call - or at least the piece that winds up being most complicated and needing the most documentation - is "select", which is curiously left out of all the API examples. This is where, for example, counting and aggregation, or filtering relationships would occur. The types and property names for those attributes and collections would be super helpful information, I'm always asking myself if it's { select: { _count: { select: { subobject { select etc... etc... with this recursive structure for handling relationships.

Would be a great feature add to see this part of the API included too!