pantheis / AdvancedPowerManagement

An Advanced Power Management addon mod for Industrial Craft 2
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All APM Modules stucked after chunk reload #136

Open ZerrayX opened 11 years ago

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Update: Directly after chunk unload / reload my APM machines stuck! Only a server restart fix that problem.

pantheis commented 11 years ago

When this happens next time, please provide a pastebin link to the appropriate "ForgeModLoader-server-0.log" file so I can see if there is any error showing as well as get full details about the mods installed, version of Minecraft and version of Forge. When you say "internal storage" do you mean the EU energy storage?

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Yes the Internal EU Storage, after the 10 million EU got feeded it wont charge the bench anymore. If you replay the block ist works again. We use IC 1.118.401-lf APM 1.2.85-IC2.118 Charge Pads 2.8.0 build 93 Forge Mod Loader

I will look for the log if it happens again.

Btw do you have a clue about the IC2 nano Sabber? we activate it.. and it does no dmg :(

pantheis commented 11 years ago

We haven't changed anything between the 1.5 and 1.6 versions that should cause issues with the way it takes in EU and uses it. My guess is that these issues we're seeing reported have to do with the 1.6x release of IC2 not really being entirely stable. We'll monitor the situation.

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

I started with IC2in 1.6.2 never played on 1.5, do i have the newest version? Cause the wiki is complete outdated Oo

pantheis commented 11 years ago

industrialcraft-2_1.118.401-lf.jar is the latest non-experimental version of IC2 for Minecraft 1.6.2, and it has known issues. The experimental version has some updates and fixes, but is being worked on by a couple of new devs AFAIK and is undergoing constant changes to pretty much everything.

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

so the nano sabber is bugged in this version? cause it doesnt work for us :(

pantheis commented 11 years ago

That's certainly possible. I do not use IC2 on 1.6 so I haven't experienced it.

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

thx for the information :) hope there will be a bug free version soon from ic2 .D

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

there we go, we got the ERROR again,

2013-08-27 00:10:40 [INFO] [ForgeModLoader] User Zerray connecting with mods [IC2, AdvancedPowerManagement, ChargePads, Forge] 2013-08-27 00:10:40 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Zerray joined the game 2013-08-27 00:10:40 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.TEBatteryStation@1390414d is already added, aborting 2013-08-27 00:10:40 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.TEAdjustableTransformer@289b1d6 is already added, aborting 2013-08-27 00:10:50 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] [Zerray: Set the time to 1] 2013-08-27 00:12:34 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Zerray lost connection: disconnect.quitting 2013-08-27 00:12:34 [INFO] [Minecraft-Server] Zerray left the game 2013-08-27 00:12:34 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.TEChargingBench@624a1364 is already added, aborting 2013-08-27 00:12:34 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.TEAdjustableTransformer@6d3f3ca5 is already added, aborting 2013-08-27 00:12:34 [WARNING] [IC2] EnergyNet.addTileEntity: com.kaijin.AdvPowerMan.TEAdjustableTransformer@57fbdc5a is already added, aborting

pantheis commented 11 years ago

Awesome, thanks, just what we needed. The area where you have the APM machines installed, is it chunk loaded?

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

I was directly next to the machine so it should be loaded, if i click on the transformer its say " 0.00 EU / s "

The problem appeared directly after a Login, so it seems to be a problem with reloaded Chunks

pantheis commented 11 years ago

The warnings are from the IC2 EnergyNet API, indicating that three different adjustable transformers (the @ hex number is an x,y,z location), a charging bench and a battery station are somehow attempting to get added to the energynet, but IC2 thinks they are already added. However, since they aren't getting any energy pumped into them, it means IC2 isn't treating them as added. IC2 calls a specific API function in each mods TileEntity to pass it power. If that doesn't get called, we don't get power.

This does give us something to work with and see if we can recreate the issue, then add some debugging to figure out what's happening and if it's something we can work around, or if the IC2 devs just need to fix something. It may be a couple of days. Thanks for the bug report!

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Allright the bug is very easy to recreate, while a APM machine is running, logout, login machine bugged :)... If someone stay on the server it works for houres perfectly.

pantheis commented 11 years ago

The only mods you're using are the ones you've listed before, right? So no mod chunk loaders (chicken chunks, railcraft, etc)? If not, when you log out, the chunks are unloaded (unless they are the spawn chunks) and when you log back in, they are reloaded. This would explain why the IC2 API is being asked to add our mods back into the EnergyNet if that's what's happening and indeed, unless something in the API changed that I'm not aware of, it's exactly what they should be doing.

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Only the Mods above, I add a Log file from the server boot.

pantheis commented 11 years ago

Sweet! We should have enough with all of this to start figuring this out.

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Allright, goodluck! Iam going to sleep now^^ please leave a post here if you got a possible way to fix this =)

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Well pantheis, I cant reproduce the bug on a new world... Should I upload my world so you can take a closer look into it? Seems like we accidently messed something up ^^

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

Edit: I reproduced the bug! If the map gets bigger, the machines start bugging... create a new world > Set a RPM machine > logout > login > everything is fine > /tp 2000 70 2000 > set a RPM machine > logout & login > BUG

Edit: I missed the Spawn Chunk is permanent loaded?

pantheis commented 11 years ago

The spawn chunk (area?) is permanently loaded, yes, but what you just tested confirms that this has to do with an area that gets unloaded, then bugs when it gets loaded back up. I think we know what may be happening. I'll try to get a couple tests done tonight if I have time. My time to work on APM at the moment is pretty slim. :(

ZerrayX commented 11 years ago

damn, your mod is so fucking awesome :D I wish every ic2 machine has such a nice interface, to bad i have no clue about modding^^