updated common-go.mk from our private repo (modified)
switched from gometalinter to golangci-lint
readme: markdown lint fixes, including swapping the h1 and h2 headers
circleci config: switched github token from @spheromak's personal token to our pantheon-release bot token
Future considerations:
we should look at dropping common.mk and common-go.mk. I don't think they do much for us other than install golangci-lint and coveralls. We could do this in the Makefile or circle yaml instead. Also the common-go.mk had to be modified to work with this project, I had to remove all the build tasks so that we build in the ./autotag directory.
Next PRs after this I intend to make:
switch to goreleaser for managing releases. Including keeping the existing artifacts named Linux and Darwin to maintain backwards compat for all the users who are scripting installations based on those artifact names.
in this commit:
Future considerations:
Next PRs after this I intend to make:
to maintain backwards compat for all the users who are scripting installations based on those artifact names.