Open ataylorme opened 6 years ago
Hi @danielbachhuber
Not sure is this is the correct issue to open this for the Gutenberg era but as far as we understand, by default, all text in the wp_post table > post_content column will be indexed by the plugin, but it seems it does not if it is inside an ACF block of meta data which was implemented using this method
We have a sample search for keyword treatment
for a regular post, it returns the record if post_content is:
<!-- wp:paragraph --> <p>this text has treatment in regular Gutenberg</p> <!-- /wp:paragraph -->
but not when inside an ACF block:
<!-- wp:acf/image-heading-description-module { "id": "block_5ed5e323607fb", "name": "acf\/image-heading-description-module", "data": { "image": "", "_image": "field_5ec33f4338407", "content": "This text has treatment keyword in ACF", "_content": "field_5ec33e5b17b45" }, "mode": "edit" } /-->
Do we have a known solution/workaround for this?
Hey @carl-alberto,
As it turns out, Solr Power runs the post_content
through strip_tags()
prior to indexing:
, unfortunately, also strips out HTML comments.
If you'd like to only strip out HTML and not HTML comments, here's a code snippet you could apply on the site:
function( $doc, $post_info ) {
$doc->setField( 'post_content', wp_filter_nohtml_kses( $post_info->post_content ) );
return $doc;
I've verified its behavior with #456. You'll need to re-index the site, however.
Not sure if this should be in Solr Power or another plugin to extend Solr Power. Let's discuss!