While cloning a site on my MBP, I saw the following output during a site clone:
rmarks@Ryans-MacBook-Pro ~ % terminus site:clone source.dev desination.dev
Warning: the source site has a PHP version of 7.4 and the destination site has a PHP version of 7.2. Would you like to proceed? Doing so will overwrite the PHP version of the destination to 7.4. (yes/no) [no]:
> yes
PHP Notice: Undefined index: backup in /Users/rmarks/.terminus/terminus-dependencies-a4e701042a/vendor/pantheon-systems/terminus-site-clone-plugin/src/Commands/SiteCloneCommand.php on line 117
Notice: Undefined index: backup in /Users/rmarks/.terminus/terminus-dependencies-a4e701042a/vendor/pantheon-systems/terminus-site-clone-plugin/src/Commands/SiteCloneCommand.php on line 117
Are you sure you want to clone from the wp13n.dev environment (source) to the playground-template-wp.dev (destination)? This will completely destroy the destination.
(yes/no) [no]:
> yes
While cloning a site on my MBP, I saw the following output during a site clone:
This did not prevent the site clone from running.