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DV-129 ⁃ Refine the Reports feature within Descriptive Stats #202

Open sync-by-unito[bot] opened 3 years ago

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

The suggestions that used to be here have been moved to a comment.

All the suggestions from all comments on this task have been compiled in the following excel document (duplicates consolidated, suggestions that are not applicable removed, etc.)


┆Issue is synchronized with this Jira Task by Unito ┆Attachments: 2019 Inventaire des mammiferes terrestre Momba.pdf | ACC6E81E26604A659AF2A4B8D36B923B.png | Africa_V2_cadre.tiff | Ithala_dscrptv_stts_rprt_2021.10.13_11.12.23.html | MoukalabaWakaMonkey.jpg | Rapport Mayumba Conkouati .pdf | ReportsFeatureSuggestions.xlsx | ReportsFeatureSuggestions (10f34991-f51d-4941-abb8-e914f1373527).xlsx | Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 14.35.44.png | Screenshot 2021-06-18 at 14.37.44.png | Timbavati_Leopard_Monitoring_Report_2021_v1.docx

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Data Science ($&src=issue ) (Shannon Dubay Christopher MaraisRoss Tyzack Pitman Valentine Tawira)

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 3 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Linking this task with the other Report-related task, as it might be easiest for the same person to do both.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Thabied Majal something to consider when re-vamping this feature: Recently in a training for Malaysia projects, users asked if it was possible to add capability to encrypt/password protect the files that are produced in this feature. Upon speaking to Ross about it, he found this package, which might allow us to do this: (|smart-link ) (although I’m sure there are also other ways) Ross Tyzack Pitman , chime in here too, but if this proves to be too difficult to incorporate into IDS, then we will just recommend a third party app for them to encrypt the files they need.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Shannon: Marike sent me this html file ( ) (uploading it to this task) that she created in the Reports feature- the map markers/icons/symbols don’t seem to make sense. They should reflect the different numbers of captures per station, but that doesn't appear to be the case since stations with the same number of captures will have different symbols. For instance, two stations that each have 2 captures will be shown differently. Ross: Those yellow/orange markers are based on the number of captures, but they render in a weird way that I've never been able to figure out. I recall it being because the captures are just too small given the scale. Something like that. We may just need to ditch it completely, as I remember we couldn't find a better solution back then.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Sasi has mentioned on the forum ( ) that her team uses MCPs (maximum convex polygons) in most of their reports, and wanted to show specific species captures as MCPs and specific individual captures as MCPs. We do have a way to see this information in the Maps module and (I believe) the Reports tool, but only as markers/icons/symbols and not MCPs. If it isn’t a complete mission, it might be nice to allow the user to see the captures MCP for their specified species/individuals too.

NB: probably get Ross' thoughts on this before implementing

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

More input (sorry for dropping this all here, Thabied Majal , I just don’t know where else to record all the suggestions for this section- people have a lot of opinions and requests.

One thing people would like to be included in auto-generated reports is: Principal investigator and email (both attributes in the database).

Also, whenever they are editing the text for a section, it would be helpful if they can see the plots/maps they are supposed to be writing about.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Ross Tyzack Pitman commented:

Thabied Majal– I see this task is in progress, have you done much with it?. I think this entire topic is a massize can of worms, though it’s one we have to address and develop very soon. Guy frequently asks on the status of this tool. Thabied, lets sit down together and map out a plan for this. I believe this task is too big for one person, so I’ll jump on it with you.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Thabied Majal commented:

Ross Tyzack Pitman I haven’t done any work on it at all. Just created the branch to start working on it and then other work popped up. Definitely keen on mapping out a plan on tackling it together

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Ross Tyzack Pitman commented:

Thabied Majal let’s move this back to To Do if it’s not yet started.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Feedback from Roberto ( ( )) on the topic:

{quote}I would say that on top of what you already have, to be able to generate an editable file (e.g. word doc) so that one can incorporate things or translate the document.{quote}

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Feedback from Chris O ( ( )) on the topic:

{quote}I have attached two “recent” example of reports. These are the type of reports I’m writing at the end of a field survey, after classifying images but before starting occupancy analysis.{quote}

[^Rapport Mayumba Conkouati .pdf] [^2019 Inventaire des mammiferes terrestre Momba.pdf]

{quote}What I usually export from IDS :

What I would like to be able to export :

As more general suggestion : multiple export format for graphical features (jpeg, pdf, shp) and choice in species names (scientific, common in different language).{quote}

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Feedback from Sasi ( ( )) on the topic:

{quote}The reports I send to the conservation area generally include:

-Table of species list group by order, family with IUCN red list status

-The proportion chart of wildcat species

-The proportion chart of ungulate species

-Distribution/PCRI map of species

-Time activity overlap of human and tiger

-Overlapping map of home range for tigers

-Independence event of tiger's prey and threat

-Timeline movement map of tiger, and a further explanation of each graph/map in statistical terms

These are helpful to our reports and help us to work faster. Please add it if it looks appropriate. I'm glad to be a part of IDS!{quote}

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Feedback from Robin ( ( )) on the topic:

{quote}Anyway to summarize some of our need for reports :

  1. Being able to change the name of IDS categories (using French for example). I’m Simply using a reference table with a key column.

  2. Being able to choose the species for each figure. Eg : we should remove birds in the accumulation curve

  3. Basic pie plot with : number of blank, number of mammals, number of other species (birds, reptiles…), number of human

  4. I like to take a look at the % of NA, 0, 1 in the camera active. It’s useless for a report but nice to compare between surveys.

  5. In report we generally use 2 maps. First one is continent-sub region (west Africa)-Country-Park (eg :map attached). And second one is focused on the park with the grid and location of camera traps.

  6. Sometimes we use a map showing the IDW (inverse distance weight) using the RAI for a specie at each station. It’s not “super scientifically” accurate, it’s not a real distribution map for the specie but it’s a nice map to plot areas where the specie was the most captured.

  7. In the keys information : number of images and independent capture for each felids, number of specie (without birds, human or other selected)

  8. To add more details to accumulative curve Marine suggest that it would be nice to have the observer and estimated species richness with chao, jackknife…{quote}



sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Feedback from Beckie ( ( )) on the topic:

{quote}So this is REALLY pertinent to the leopard monitoring work in SA in particular. Being able to generate reports in IDS would make a HUGE difference to the project workload.

I’ve worked to standardise the reports that we sent last year – I’ve attached a copy of the Timbavati one.

To summarise, the key components that we would REALLY like are:

-Standard (but editable) intro, methods, and results sections  

-Capture frequency map (number of leopard captures per station mapped out) – we currently do this manually in GIS – can you imagine.

-Pie chart showing age composition of individually ID’d leopards

-Graph (with SE) of density estimates each year

-Summary of ALL species captured during the survey (omitting unidentified ones)

In addition to this, it would be amazing to have an automated process for identifying (and reporting on) individuals that have been recaptured in each year from previous years – does that make sense?{quote}


sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Unfortunately I haven’t had the time to consolidate everyone’s feedback yet, but I hope to do this next week. For now, I have simply added the raw feedback.

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

I am moving my suggestions into this comment here and removing them from the general description of this task. This is because most of my suggestions are specific to the current tool, and may not be applicable to the future tool:

While overall the tool works, there are some specific plots and text sections that need more work. The following are things I have noticed:

sync-by-unito[bot] commented 2 years ago

➤ Shannon Dubay commented:

Here is everyone’s raw feedback (mentioned in the previous comments here), compiled and consolidated in one file.

[^ReportsFeatureSuggestions (10f34991-f51d-4941-abb8-e914f1373527).xlsx]