pantherdb / fullgo_paint_update

Update of Panther and PAINT DBs with monthly GO release data
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Annotation ids in go_aggregate table are not unique for qualifiers #55

Open mugitty opened 2 years ago

mugitty commented 2 years ago

select * from go_aggregate where accession like 'PTHR12143:AN167' and term like 'GO:0000224'; on production curation database returns rows with multiple qualifiers for a single annotation id.

When a PAINT annotation is created, it will create qualifiers for the new annotation. From the annotation id in the go_aggregate table, it is not possible to know which qualifiers are applicable.

mugitty commented 2 years ago

Once resolved, @mugitty to ensure associations panel in PAINT displays data for experimental term in multiple rows.

mugitty commented 2 years ago
dustine32 commented 2 years ago

Checking the PTHR12143:AN167 and GO:0000224 example, indeed there is only one go_annotation record to represent both the positive annotation and NOT qualifier.: image With the current UI and aggregate table queries, changing the upstream go_annotation.sql query to INSERT a new go_annotation record for each distinct "qualifier set" (e.g. NOT, NOT|contributes_to, colocalizes_with, (no qualifier)) is probably the most straightforward fix.