panthernet / ThunderED

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MySQL Load Provider #145

Open SmanUK1988 opened 1 year ago

SmanUK1988 commented 1 year ago

Cant seem to get it to work with a mysql db, keep getting the error below

01/24/2023 22:31:24 [ Info]: ThunderED v2.2.0 is running!

01/24/2023 22:31:27 [Critical]: LoadProvider System.ArgumentException: Version string portion was too short or too long. (Parameter 'input') at System.Version.ParseVersion(ReadOnlySpan`1 input, Boolean throwOnFailure) at System.Version.Parse(String input) at System.Version..ctor(String version) at ThunderED.SQLHelper.UpgradeV2() in D:\Projects\EVE\ThunderED\THD\ThunderED.DB\Legacy\SQLHelper_Upgrade.cs:line 932 at ThunderED.SQLHelper.UpgradeV2() in D:\Projects\EVE\ThunderED\THD\ThunderED.DB\Legacy\SQLHelper_Upgrade.cs:line 980 at ThunderED.SQLHelper.LoadProvider() in D:\Projects\EVE\ThunderED\THD\ThunderED.DB\Legacy\SQLHelper.cs:line 147

01/24/2023 22:31:27 [ Error]: Unexpected error while loading DB provider!