pantor / ruckig

Motion Generation for Robots and Machines. Real-time. Jerk-constrained. Time-optimal.
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How to use ruckig::Trajectory with unknown DOF at compile time #153

Closed AndyZe closed 1 year ago

AndyZe commented 1 year ago

I was playing with the offline trajectory planner, like in this example:

It works great if the DOF can be hard-coded like in the example:

Trajectory<3> trajectory;
std::array<double, 3> new_position, new_velocity, new_acceleration;
trajectory.at_time(new_time, new_position, new_velocity, new_acceleration);

But with MoveIt, we don't know the num DOF until runtime.

This compiles, I'm not sure it will run, though:

ruckig::Trajectory<ruckig::DynamicDOFs, ruckig::StandardVector> ruckig_trajectory(ruckig::DynamicDOFs);

And I struggle with what to do here, since arrays can't be dynamically sized:

size_t num_dof = 6; // for example. This is not known at compile time
std::array<double, num_dof> new_position, new_velocity, new_acceleration;
AndyZe commented 1 year ago

Vectors instead of arrays actually do compile. Again, I don't know if this will run:

        size_t num_dof = 6; // for example. This is not known at compile time
        std::vector<double> new_position(num_dof);
        std::vector<double> new_velocity(num_dof);
        std::vector<double> new_acceleration(num_dof);
        ruckig_trajectory.at_time(time_from_start, new_position, new_velocity, new_acceleration);
AndyZe commented 1 year ago

OK, I got it working :)

      size_t num_dof = 6; // for example. This is not known at compile time
      ruckig::Trajectory<ruckig::DynamicDOFs, ruckig::StandardVector> ruckig_trajectory(num_dof);
      ruckig_result = ruckig.calculate(ruckig_input, ruckig_trajectory);
      std::vector<double> new_position(num_dof);
      std::vector<double> new_velocity(num_dof);
      std::vector<double> new_acceleration(num_dof);
      ruckig_trajectory.at_time(time_from_start, new_position, new_velocity, new_acceleration);
pantor commented 1 year ago

Yes, this looks good. I've now added the sentence

This switches the default Vector from the std::array to the dynamic std::vector type.

to the Readme to clarify this.