Open hidoba opened 1 year ago
I experience the similar issue
[ruckig] error in step 2 in dof: 6 for t sync: 0.172050 input:
inp.current_position = [336.880689744143, 18.4550225058538, 175.3043233857315, 235.7433176441638, 326.5611932404152, 58.47109897613053, 110.7888198747244]
inp.current_velocity = [-6.21033908114654, 2.977862156505148, -3.980556401132896, 4.713115053485066, -6.660235541559918, 3.000972515821758, 6.660242722868195]
inp.current_acceleration = [57.3, 0, 7.971310902217803, -18.22070634308166, 77.42229644884236, 0, -77.42233818857001]
inp.target_position = [336.5054321289062, 18.72512054443359, 174.9912872314453, 236.0825881958008, 326.1792297363281, 58.74234771728516, 111.170783996582]
inp.target_velocity = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
inp.target_acceleration = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
inp.max_velocity = [50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50, 50]
inp.max_acceleration = [57.3, 57.3, 57.3, 57.3, 570, 570, 570]
inp.max_jerk = [450, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450, 450]
inp.min_position = [-inf, -128.9, -inf, -147.8, -inf, -120.3, -inf]
inp.max_position = [inf, 128.9, inf, 147.8, inf, 120.3, inf]
This almost always happens closer to the end of trajectory
I'm using offline trajectory computation through Python, using the version compiled from this repo from May 15, (commit eb749af10fe10554bea795182209242a9c57433a). Running on Nvidia Jetson Nano. Errors happen every once in a while.
Examples of output when errors happen: