pantsbuild / pants

The Pants Build System
Apache License 2.0
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Update example repositories to Pants 2.20 #20799

Closed huonw closed 3 months ago

huonw commented 3 months ago

Now that 2.20.0 is released, we should update all the example- repos to use it, by adjusting their pants.toml to have pants_version = "2.20.0":

(NB. not

Bonus points (repos that use pants but aren't examples):

Kaushik-Iyer commented 3 months ago

should I take this up? I assume this would just be a one line change right?

kaos commented 3 months ago

should I take this up? I assume this would just be a one line change right?

you are more than welcome to. I'm not sure if there's any deprecations that may need adressing, but if not, yes it's a one line change.

huonw commented 3 months ago

Thanks for offering @Kaushik-Iyer. Don't feel like you need to do all of them, any that you can chip away at would be great!

sureshjoshi commented 3 months ago

Is this something that could be scriptable from an action? Or setup those repos with hooks to auto-update when a new version is pushed? I noticed that some are a few versions back.

Edit: Not perfect, but not bad either 🤷🏽 - I just pushed a few PRs from this

Edit edit: Gist (

#! /bin/bash


echo "Updating all repos to use pants version $VERSION for owner $OWNER"
if [ -z "$VERSION" ]; then
  echo "Please provide a version string as the first argument."
  exit 1


for repo in "${REPOS[@]}"; do
  echo ""
  echo "********** Updating $repo **********"
  echo ""
  rm -rf $repo

  # Sync your personal fork with pantsbuild in case it's out of date
  gh repo sync "$OWNER/$repo"

  # Clone your personal fork
  gh repo clone "$OWNER/$repo"

  (cd $repo

    # Updates the pants_version inside of pants.toml
    sed -i '' "s/pants_version = .*/pants_version = \"$VERSION\"/g" pants.toml

    # Check if there were any changes
    if [[ $(git status -s) == "" ]]; then
      echo "*** No changes to commit for $repo with version $VERSION... Continuing..."

    # Run a sanity check to make sure the repo is still in a good state
    if ! $(pants lint test ::); then
      echo "*** pants sanity check failed for $repo with version $VERSION. This repo will not be updated... $result"

    # Commit the changes
    git add pants.toml
    git commit -m "Upgrade to Pants $VERSION"

    # Push the changes to your personal fork, and create a PR to pantsbuild
    git push
    gh pr create --title "Upgrade to Pants $VERSION" --body ""
sureshjoshi commented 3 months ago

Just a note, codegen and golang fail on my machine, as I don't have the required dependencies. So, if someone else can tackle those.

Kaushik-Iyer commented 3 months ago

one day, when I get a bit more experienced, hopefully I also get the thoughts and skills to do such stuff @sureshjoshi :D

Boggby commented 3 months ago

Just submitted PR for codegen

huonw commented 3 months ago

Thanks everyone for jumping in! Last upgrade at