pantsbuild / scie-pants

Protects your Pants from the elements.
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`SCIE_BOOT=update pants` results in installation error #263

Open jtilahun opened 10 months ago

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

Attempting to upgrade the pants launcher binary on my computer results in an installation error. Full output and log file can be found below.

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo$ SCIE_BOOT=update pants
Error: Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:


You can select a boot command by passing it as the 1st argument or else by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

ERROR: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce
Install failed: Command '['/home/jtilahun/tools/bin/pants']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
More information can be found in the log at: /home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/logs/record-scie-pants-info.log

Error: Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:


You can select a boot command by passing it as the 1st argument or else by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

ERROR: Failed to establish atomic directory /home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/locks/scie-pants-info-6a8ddab0f3a22eb4476a6f164c2267a4abc996c084396b7b224489e041c4e369. Population of work directory failed: Boot binding command failed: exit status: 1


engnatha commented 10 months ago

In testing something unrelated, I was able to reproduce a similar behavior. By running pants in an uninitialized directory and responding n, I got a similar error.

~/devel$ pants
No Pants configuration was found at or above /home/nathanael/devel.
Would you like to configure /home/nathanael/devel as a Pants project? (Y/n): n
Error: Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:


You can select a boot command by passing it as the 1st argument or else by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

ERROR: Failed to establish atomic directory /home/nathanael/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/locks/configure-38caab2c120194c12f9617ad3a9ed1c094483156c068196f12097cc18bf6ac39. Population of work directory failed: Boot binding command failed: exit status: 1
huonw commented 10 months ago

Hm, the contents of the log isn't very insightful 🤔

2023-08-30 16:30:52,614 ERROR] root: Install failed: Command '['/home/jtilahun/tools/bin/pants']' returned non-zero exit status 1.
More information can be found in the log at: /home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/logs/record-scie-pants-info.log
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/pex_root/venvs/557963c6782fafb82fc618ff05bb5998dafccd3c/f8df9e2cb55d2d123e1c6f4f3701f3010386f4bb/pex", line 284, in <module>
  File "/home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/pex_root/venvs/557963c6782fafb82fc618ff05bb5998dafccd3c/f8df9e2cb55d2d123e1c6f4f3701f3010386f4bb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/conscript/", line 105, in main
    return ep.load()()
  File "/home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/pex_root/venvs/557963c6782fafb82fc618ff05bb5998dafccd3c/f8df9e2cb55d2d123e1c6f4f3701f3010386f4bb/lib/python3.9/site-packages/scie_pants/", line 37, in main
    version =
  File "/home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/2b6e146234a4ef2a8946081fc3fbfffe0765b80b690425a49ebe40b47c33445b/cpython-3.9.16+20230507-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-install_only.tar.gz/python/lib/python3.9/", line 528, in run
    raise CalledProcessError(retcode, process.args,
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['/home/jtilahun/tools/bin/pants']' returned non-zero exit status 1.

What version of scie-pants are do you have installed? PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=report pants

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

Huh, it's unfortunate that the log isn't insightful.

I have scie-pants version 0.10.0 installed.

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo$ PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=report pants
huonw commented 10 months ago

Thanks @jtilahun ... that's the latest, so there's definitely something to look at here.

Here's some general questions that might narrow things down somewhat, maybe:

  1. what operating system?
  2. how did you install scie-pants?
  3. does it fail if you run it outside your ~/devel/monorepo repo? (i.e. somewhere that doesn't have pants.toml)
  4. if you're on Linux, can you run SCIE_BOOT=update strace -v -e trace=execve -e verbose=execve --follow-forks --string-limit=300 pants 2> strace.log and upload the log? You may need to install (this traces all of the subprocess invocations by recording the execve syscalls, so we can hopefully narrow down exactly which part of the processing fails)
jtilahun commented 10 months ago

Here are answers to those questions:

  1. The operating system is Linux Ubuntu 20.04.
  2. I installed scie-pants by using the script referenced in the Pants installation documentation (link). I've also attached the exact version of the script I've been using for completeness:
  3. Yes, it does fail if I run it outside my ~/devel/monorepo repo. For example, if I run it in ~/tools, which doesn't have pants.toml, it fails:
    jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/tools$ SCIE_BOOT=update pants
    Error: Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:

scie-pants bootstrap-tools pants pants-debug update

You can select a boot command by passing it as the 1st argument or else by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

ERROR: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce Install failed: Command '['/home/jtilahun/bin/pants']' returned non-zero exit status 1. More information can be found in the log at: /home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/bindings/logs/record-scie-pants-info.log

Error: Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:

scie-pants bootstrap-tools pants pants-debug update

You can select a boot command by passing it as the 1st argument or else by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

ERROR: Failed to establish atomic directory /home/jtilahun/.cache/nce/65aa4f2a6c1f9bac672c0df94ae34c7170e5c071cda35e9b725945831905c122/locks/scie-pants-info-a5078db971917d69fb5962395c17cd62b53c7a229697b2227627a3c28242f7d7. Population of work directory failed: Boot binding command failed: exit status: 1

4. I ran `SCIE_BOOT=update strace -v -e trace=execve -e verbose=execve -f --string-limit=300 pants 2> strace.log` in `~/devel/monorepo`. Notice that I replaced `--follow-forks` with `-f` because my `strace` does not recognize the `--follow-forks` option but does recognize the `-f` option. My `man` page for `strace(1)` seems to indicate that it traces child processes created by `fork(2)`:
   -f          Trace child processes as they are created by currently traced processes as a result of the fork(2), vfork(2) and clone(2) system calls.  Note that -p PID -f will attach all threads
               of process PID if it is multi-threaded, not only thread with thread_id = PID.

Here's the log that you requested I upload: [strace.log](
huonw commented 10 months ago


It looks like the error is during a recursive invocation, which is invoked by scie / lift

The error almost certainly comes from That error occurring suggests is returning None, which seems like it can only happen in limited conditions on Linux: $HOME is none and getpwuid_r doesn't return useful info.

The strace log explicitly shows HOME=/home/jtilahun in the first two execve calls, but not in the third one, which is the one that fails. That last one is just (env vars are the third parameter):

[pid 90871] execve("/home/jtilahun/bin/pants", ["/home/jtilahun/bin/pants"], ["PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=report"]) = 0

This aligns with the env={...} parameter in, and suggest a fix would be ensuring that call inherits os.environ too: env={**os.environ, "PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION": "report"} to ensure that HOME is set.

@jtilahun do you feel like submitting a pull request with that change?

It's a bit weird to me that this is the first observation of this failure, with SCIE_BOOT=update pants working on other systems (e.g. my mac). My theory is that getpwuid_r usually works (so things have been working fine without HOME set), but @jtilahun's user account is configured in a way that doesn't work as smoothly with getpwuid_r? I don't eprsonally know enough about Linux user management to know where to start there, though!

@engnatha I think that's a separate issue, which I filed as Thanks for flagging.

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

Hmm, there's something going on that I haven't grasped quite yet.

I tried isolating this to a minimum reproducible example of dirs::home_dir failing. Here's what I have:


fn main() {
    match dirs::home_dir() {
        Some(path) => println!("Your home directory, probably: {}", path.display()),
        None => println!("Impossible to get your home dir!"),


name = "monorepo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

edition = "2021"
name = "main"
path = "src/"

dirs = "4.0"

I built the binary with cargo build --bin main. Manually tinkering with $HOME, I've convinced myself that in the absence of $HOME, dirs::home_dir goes somewhere else to find my home directory and does so successfully:

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ ./main
Your home directory, probably: /home/jtilahun
jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ HOME="" ./main
Your home directory, probably: /home/jtilahun
jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ HOME=" " ./main
Your home directory, probably:  
jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ HOME="not_a_real_home_directory" ./main
Your home directory, probably: not_a_real_home_directory

I don't feel like I understand what's happening. I don't want to submit a pull request until I feel like I have a better understanding of what's happening.

huonw commented 10 months ago

Yes, I agree with investigating more given my theory doesn't seem to hold. Thanks for checking!

What happens if you run it without any env vars at all: env -i ./main?

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

If I run it without any env vars at all, it's still able to find my home directory:

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ env -i ./main
Your home directory, probably: /home/jtilahun
huonw commented 10 months ago

Hm, I note that you've set dirs = "4.0" there, but scie-pants uses 5.0.1. It doesn't look like there's significant changes between the versions, but there's a chance that might be the difference... could you try with a newer dirs and dirs-sys?

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

I tried with a newer dirs and dirs-sys, but no difference.

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~/devel/monorepo/target/debug$ env -i ./main
Your home directory, probably: /home/jtilahun

Here's my Cargo.toml file now:

name = "monorepo"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

edition = "2021"
name = "main"
path = "src/"

dirs = "5.0"

Note that scie-pants sets "dirs = 5.0" in Cargo.toml:

Here's my Cargo.lock file for sanity checking: Cargo.lock Note that my example package uses "5.0.1".

jtilahun commented 10 months ago

I haven't known where ~/.nce comes from, given that no such file or directory exists for me:

jtilahun@JTN86G3:~$ ls ~/.nce
ls: cannot access '/home/jtilahun/.nce': No such file or directory

Searching the repo, I found the one result here: Reading the surrounding code, it looks as if it's trying to set up a context of some sort. To get the base directory, it first checks SCIE_BASE, followed by a couple of other places. If it still can't find a directory, then it defaults to ~/.nce for whatever reason.

So I wondered what would happen if I were to set SCIE_BASE to "~/.nce" on my own. Surprisingly, doing so results in different behavior. It creates a directory at the path "~/.nce" on my behalf and also appears to download some archive. After a few seconds, it finally errors out. Screen recording attached.

So I'm thinking that there's some funny business going on with the directory handling logic. I still haven't pinpointed exactly what it is, but something smells fishy.

cognifloyd commented 3 months ago

I just ran into this issue on an ubuntu laptop. The relevant bit in the strace log shows

[pid 3062956] execve("/home/jafloyd/.local/bin/pants", ["/home/jafloyd/.local/bin/pants"], ["PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=report"]) = 0
Error: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce 

My user account comes from active directory via sssd on the laptop, so it is not present in /etc/passwd and similar files. I also have some sss_overrides configured so that my uid/gid/home_dir and other user settings are sane (not a uid in the billions, and a much more concise home directory).

I can reproduce the SCIE_BOOT=update error more simply by doing this (I'm using bash as my shell here):

$ unset HOME
Error: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce

Isolates your Pants from the elements.

Please select from the following boot commands:

<default> (when SCIE_BOOT is not set in the environment)  Detects the current Pants installation and launches it.
bootstrap-tools                                           Introspection tools for the Pants bootstrap process.
update                                                    Update scie-pants.

You can select a boot command by setting the SCIE_BOOT environment variable.

So, @jtilahun, you tested your mini rust program with HOME="" and HOME=" ", but did you try running your mini program once HOME is not set?

edit: Oh. I see you used env -i to try that. I get the same failure if I do that. I also get it for any other use of the scie-pants binary (I just manually downloaded/updated to 0.11.0.

$ env -i PANTS_BOOTSTRAP_VERSION=report ~/.local/bin/pants
Error: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce

$ env -i ~/.local/bin/pants version
Error: Failed to expand home dir in path ~/.nce