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/differences-between-arrow-and-regular-functions/ #69

Open panzerdp opened 3 years ago

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

Written on 05/16/2020 13:13:26


Storky commented 3 years ago

Dmitri Greatest thanks for you articles, which I googled before job interview, and googled again to pass internal interviews. Its best articles in the web with complete explanation exactly how its required by interviewers. There are yet one of threads which is not explained good in the web. Its event loop with micro and macro tasks. Meanwhile I gonna check all your other articles on this site.

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

Thanks @Storky, I'm glad my posts had helped you pass the interview.

There are yet one of threads which is not explained good in the web. Its event loop with micro and macro tasks.

Yes, I have in plans to write good tutorials about the event loop too.

ayoola-moore commented 3 years ago

By default, normal function are hoisted except when they are written as an expression. However, because arrow functions are written as an expression, they are not hoisted by default.

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

By default, normal function are hoisted except when they are written as an expression. However, because arrow functions are written as an expression, they are not hoisted by default.

@ayoola-moore Indeed, that's another important difference. Thanks for sharing!

indrasen536 commented 3 years ago

Best explanation ever

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

Best explanation ever

Thank you @indrasen536!

nicholaspufal commented 3 years ago

Thanks for compiling this in such thorough manner. Was casually googling about this to refresh my mind :)

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for compiling this in such thorough manner. Was casually googling about this to refresh my mind :)

@nicholaspufal Repetition is the mother of skill!

JamesParrott commented 3 years ago

Great article.

5) also applies to a class's static methods. An arrow function can be used to ensure 'this' refer to its class.

ghost commented 3 years ago

another difference is when you use normal function and call it before its defined it runs normally but in arrow functions you must define then call !

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

another difference is when you use normal function and call it before its defined it runs normally but in arrow functions you must define then call !

You're right!

majidmehrabi commented 3 years ago

It was very useful.

greatgraphicdesign commented 3 years ago

This was concise and easy to follow. Thank you so much!

panzerdp commented 3 years ago

This was concise and easy to follow. Thank you so much!

Thanks @greatgraphicdesign!

stardustman commented 2 years ago
const myObject = {
  method() {
// Method invocation
myObject.method(); // logs myObject

============ I run the code in my chrome console, the result is:

const myObject = {
  method() {
{method: ƒ}


panzerdp commented 2 years ago
const myObject = {
  method() {
// Method invocation
myObject.method(); // logs myObject

============ I run the code in my chrome console, the result is:

const myObject = {
  method() {
{method: ƒ}


{method: ƒ} is myObject.

prashantdhokare commented 2 years ago

const obj = { objName: 'Obj', arrowFun: () => { console.log(this.objName); }, regularFun: function (){ console.log(this.objName); } };

obj.regularFun(); // Obj obj.arrowFun(); // undefined

Could you please explain why arrow function referring 'global this' instead of 'obj this' here.

zhangenming commented 2 years ago

arrow did not hava prototype

AbhisekJS commented 1 year ago


No matter how or where being executed, this value inside of an arrow function always equals this value from the outer function. In other words, the arrow function resolves this lexically.

ValenciaW9 commented 1 year ago

Thank you

spencerdelange commented 6 months ago

Hi @panzerdp, you're articles are fantastic and I've been binging them.

A question on the word 'lexically'. Google tells me lexically is defined as an adverb 'connected to the words of a language'.

With a statement like: "Again (same as with this value), the arguments object is resolved lexically: the arrow function accesses arguments from the outer function.", what does lexically mean in the context?

Argument is resolved by the words in the language could be interpreted as any of the words in the Javascript language, i.e. the arrow function definition or the outer function.