panzi / u4pak

unpack, pack, list, check and mount Unreal Engine 4 .pak archives
506 stars 142 forks source link error #43

Open Venusasaboi opened 3 years ago

Venusasaboi commented 3 years ago

I am using the pack_tool to try to create a .pak file for models (so that I can play as a different character in Little Nightmares) however I keep getting an error whenever I click START_pack.bat I have python 2.7 downloaded (as that's what I was told to use as pack_tool wouldn't work without it, yet it's not working? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Error:

C:\Users\User\Downloads>` pack Helios-WindowsNoEditor_MyMod.pak Helios
'' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.

Press any key to continue . . .
panzi commented 3 years ago

(I don't know what pack_tool is.) This looks like you're calling as if it where an executable installed in %PATH%, but it is a Python script and probably not installed in %PATH%. You need to call C:\path\to\your\python.exe C:\path\to\ pack Helios-WindowsNoEditor_MyMod.pak Helios (assuming you call this from the directory where Helios is in and where Helios-WindowsNoEditor_MyMod.pak shall be created).

Venusasaboi commented 3 years ago

(I don't know what pack_tool is.) This looks like you're calling as if it where an executable installed in %PATH%, but it is a Python script and probably not installed in %PATH%. You need to call C:\path\to\your\python.exe C:\path\to\ pack Helios-WindowsNoEditor_MyMod.pak Helios (assuming you call this from the directory where Helios is in and where Helios-WindowsNoEditor_MyMod.pak shall be created).

Thank you I think I'm getting somewhere with this, however I got an new error :/ Error: C:\Python27\python.exe: can't find '__main__' module in 'C:\\Users\\User\\Downloads\\\\pack_tool\\'

panzi commented 3 years ago

That is odd. Again, what is this pack_tool? Someone's fork of my code? If they've changed something nothing I say here might apply to what you're using. I can only help you with what I've wrote, so you could try from this repo. Download newest version:

Or otherwise you need to ask that pack_tool for help. :D

panzi commented 3 years ago

I've written a new tool that doesn't require Python, but instead I provide a compiled Windows binary. It is faster, but has slightly different command line arguments and a feature for Windows users that don't want to use a terminal. Does that work for you?