paolostivanin / OTPClient

Highly secure and easy to use OTP client written in C/GTK3 that supports both TOTP and HOTP
GNU General Public License v3.0
458 stars 47 forks source link

[Feature request] More import options #322

Closed K0-RR closed 4 months ago

K0-RR commented 7 months ago

The following open-source apps are popular solutions for 2FA so importing from them would allow more users to switch to this app. Ratings and download data are from the Play Store: -KeePassXC - there are multiple clients for Android supporting OTP -Bitwarden -     rating is 4.3; 44.7K reviews; 1M+ downloads -2FAS -       rating is 4.8; 29.6K reviews; 1M+ downloads -Authenticator Pro - rating is 4.5; 1.78K reviews; 100K+ downloads

Aegis for comparison: rating: 4.9; 3.34K reviews; 100K+ downloads

paolostivanin commented 7 months ago

Thanks for reporting this! I'll look into 2FAS and Authenticator Pro.

edouard-lopez commented 4 months ago

Since Authy announced it was sunsetting desktop app, people are looking for an alternative and someone suggested OTPClient in 2Fas repo but unfortunately, none of the above are supported.

Do you plan to resume work on this?

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

note to self:

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

I need to bump GCrypt min version to 1.10.1 in order to use Argon2id. This means cutting out Ubuntu < 23.04. Debian stable has the needed version. Rolling distros have it too, obviously.

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago
paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

all done, all tested. Release with those 2 new providers should come out in the next days.

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago


Spacellary commented 4 months ago

all done, all tested. Release with those 2 new providers should come out in the next days.


Well done!

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

Still waiting on 2FAS team about the issue mentioned on their github. No answer atm (either on GH or Discord)

paolostivanin commented 4 months ago

all done and tested :smile: