papagina / RotationContinuity

Coder for "On the Continuity of Rotation Representations"
MIT License
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About limitation for representation space in train code #14

Open TLB-MISS opened 1 year ago

TLB-MISS commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you so much for the good work that has been consistently referenced over the years. I have a question about limitation for representation space in your code.

In paper, you guys said

Finally, we can define the set D as that where the above Gram-Schmidt-like process does not map back to SO(n): specifically, this is where the dimension of the span of the n−1 vectors input to gGS is less than n − 1.

However, there is no code(here and here) that enforces linear independence of the two 3D vectors.

Was it intentionally omitted for convenience? Any good way to force it?
