paperboi / kindle2notion

Export all clippings from your Kindle device to a database in Notion.
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Page data missing, Wrong/different language/editions book covers listed & Incomplete/wrongly formatted highlights #38

Open mcorrea1207 opened 3 years ago

mcorrea1207 commented 3 years ago

The code works really well! Thanks for sharing it. Although there are some small bugs: 1) My highlights do not show the page they were highlighted 2) Many books bought from Amazon have no cover, and some have the wrong ones. 3)Unfortunately, some highlights are incomplete and have some errors. I am not proposing any solution because I have no idea about code, but I hope you can fix it! One last question, is there any way of just updating it without running the whole code again? Thanks

paperboi commented 3 years ago

Thanks for raising the issue! Means a lot! I just wanted to know more about what you're facing so I know where to start looking at wrt the code:

  1. Can you give me more context here? Does location get listed instead or neither get listed at all?
  2. By wrong ones, you mean covers from different editions? I wouldn't be able to account for edition related problem as it doesn't get listed in the Kindle device clippings file.
  3. It may have to do with how Kindle stores our selections and highlights, especially when one starts and ends on different pages.
  4. Not yet, but it's on the roadmap.
mcorrea1207 commented 3 years ago

Sure. 1) Where the number of the page should be located, just appears two parentheses, like this: () 2) Yes, exactly. There are some titles that have the cover in Spanish for instance, whereas the book title is in English. Second, some just say "No cover" and nothing appears on them. 3) Got it! 4) I will be waiting for it!

paperboi commented 3 years ago

For 1., can you please post a screenshot of one such clipping as it appears in the clipping file and on Notion? Would help me understand the underlying reasons behind the issue.

  1. The "No Cover" feature was implemented to maintain consistency. Those books for which it is shown generally don't have covers stored in the Google Books API.
  2. I'll look into adding a feature in later stages to eliminate or have the user choose between duplicated clippings. Errors on the other hand maybe a bit too much to predict and account for (like say, for instance with books written in a certain accent or dialect, some words may get flagged as typos and get corrected.).

Thanks for your patience, I'll keep you posted on this as and when I get around to these issues.