Sometimes users just want to have their customers send them an email through the widget, rather than have a real-time live chat session.
Either create a new widget for this, or update the chat widget to support an option for just rendering an email contact form UI.
(NB: This will require that the customer sets up the gmail integration)
When a user sends a message through this email contact form, it should:
Send an email to the company/support gmail account connected to the papercups account
(This will make it possible to have the email conversation take place both in gmail and the papercups dashboard)
Send a copy of the email to the original sender
We should also maybe include a form input to filter out bot accounts like mailchimp, e.g. something like:
<!-- real people should not fill this in and expect good things - do not remove this or risk form bot signups-->
<div style="position: absolute; left: -5000px" aria-hidden="true">
Describe how this should be tested.
Questions, or need help getting started?
Feel free to ask below, or ping us on Slack :)
Problem Sometimes users just want to have their customers send them an email through the widget, rather than have a real-time live chat session.
Solution Either create a new widget for this, or update the chat widget to support an option for just rendering an email contact form UI.
(NB: This will require that the customer sets up the gmail integration)
When a user sends a message through this email contact form, it should:
We should also maybe include a form input to filter out bot accounts like mailchimp, e.g. something like:
Testing Describe how this should be tested.
Questions, or need help getting started? Feel free to ask below, or ping us on Slack :)
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