paperjs / paper.js

The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
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Redux support #1178

Open Chaoste opened 7 years ago

Chaoste commented 7 years ago

I'm working on a redux project which supports adding canvas elements using paper.js . I'm new to redux and to get some experiences I've looked at some tutorials and examples. But I'm wondering how I could use paper.js without going against the design rules of redux. In my opinion there are two options:

  1. Maintain a list of JS objects for all canvas elements with the required informations to create a path object. On each action (like adding & removing elements) the canvas get's cleared and I generate path objects with the informations contained by my global redux store (the state). Pro: Stay as close as possible to the designing rules of redux. Contra: Redundancy: The canvas elements are hold in two different locations and can get incoherent (e.g. by moving or selecting elements); Performance: Sometimes the application won't act smoothly (all the more if there are many elements to be drawn).
  2. Keep a reference to the Paper elements in the redux state. I already found out where they are stored ("Paper.project._children[0]._children"). Pro: Prevent redundancy and performance problems, No redux actions and reducers needed to handle user interactions with the canvas (like moving and selecting elements). Contra: I completely neglect the three principles of redux ("Single source of truth", "State is read-only", "Changes are made with pure functions"). This could end in some weird bugs and also I think undo and redo action will be hard to implement.

Maybe there is a third option you can suggest but I want build a clean app which sticks as close as possible to the rules. I'm sorry for writing this into a Paper.js issue but in some way this is an issue other people will face if they are building a redux app using Paper.js. If you don't agree you can close this issue and I'll ask on Stackoverflow. 😅

Greetings, Thomas

Chaoste commented 7 years ago

For now I decided to go with the first solution. I seems to me to be the cleanest way. Saving elements two times won't probably make a huge difference because the stored information is very small.

If someone has the same problem where to actually create the Paper objects:

componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
  if (nextProps.shouldRender) {

shouldComponentUpdate() {
  // Call the render method only once in the beginning (this is just for performance)
  return false

The method "componentWillReceiveProps" is the best way to find out if of of my elements changed. If so I clear the entire project and rebuild each component with another method.

SebastianStehle commented 7 years ago

I also have a redux application, but I use the following approach:

Each item in my model has an id and the renderer holds map, with this structure

rendererElements = {
  "1": {

For each change I do the following steps:

  1. Remove all items from the layer
  2. Iterate over all items from the model/store
    • If the item is different to the item in rendererElements recreate it
    • If there is no item with the id in rendererElements create it.
  3. Add all items to the layer in the right order.

=> This means that I only recreate changed elements, which is very fast. For my adorners, I use another canvas on top of it, therefore I have a much less drawing calls.

See it in action:

lehni commented 7 years ago

@SebastianStehle wow, this is impressive.

I have never used Redux myself, but am curious to find out if I could somehow help making this a part of the library. Where would I have to start looking into creating bindings?

SebastianStehle commented 7 years ago

Hi Lehni,

the project is on hold, so I made the source code public:

There is a renderDiagram() method which does all the work. The good thing about redux is: It is so easy and I think you made a wonderful job with Paper.js and it is not that much work to get the binding working. I would not do anything at all. ;)

I struggled a little bit with rounding issues and to get borders that are within my rects and do not overlap them. Therefore I made some abstraction over paper.js and it almost works ... Would be nice to have a solution for that.

Chaoste commented 7 years ago

@lehni Are you still looking for a redux binding for paper.js? Maybe I can support you in a way even though I didn't look into the source code of Paper.js until now.

lehni commented 7 years ago

@Chaoste I'm not actively looking, but if somebody wanted to provide and maintain such a library, I would be happy to link to it. I am not using React myself...

HriBB commented 7 years ago

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I'm working on Paper.js bindings for React Fiber react-paper-bindings. Would love to get some feedback, especially from @lehni on the proper way to handle draw, pan, zoom and animations in React world.

I am using a custom react and react-dom version 16.0.0-alpha.13 which exposes ReactFiberReconciler through react-dom. It's still very early in development and I am still figuring things out, but take a look at the following files:

If we somehow manage to keep the state of canvas in Redux, that would be awesome. But I think it might be an overhead, so maybe just keep an object in state? Will post some ideas and question later.

SebastianStehle commented 7 years ago

What are your use cases you would like to cover? I am not sure, if you can manage a complex application in this way.

HriBB commented 7 years ago

@SebastianStehle I am also not sure ;)

I am trying to create an image editor with tools like pan, zoom, draw, undo, redo and save. This is basically an experiment with React Fiber. It's heavily based on

I need to recreate my demo in plain javascript, to see the performance impact of React Fiber.

BTW, why do you think it wont work?

HriBB commented 7 years ago

Here's the demo

HriBB commented 7 years ago

I have made some progress with the React Fiber bindings. Demo now supports history with undo/redo functionality. Current implementation can easily be integrated into a Redux store.

I was able to implement history by using getPathData(). On Tool mousedown I create a temporary Path, then on ˙mouseup˙ I add getPathData() to the collection of paths that are rendered by React, and remove the temporary Path. This approach looks really promising for my use case. I still need to figure out how to scale paths for different view sizes on initial render.

I also made a simple performance test by translating the view with 150 circles using React and pure javascript. Here are the results:

React react

Pure javascript paperjs

As you can see, there's a lot more scripting happening with React Fiber compared to pure javascript. Will look into optimizations soon.

alsymiya commented 4 years ago

@HriBB Hi, I downloaded your demo but I can't start it in my machine (win10). It always fail to compile. I just did npm install npm test It goes wrong:

    at HTMLCanvasElementImpl.getContext (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\jest-environment-jsdom\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\nodes\HTMLCanvasElement-impl.js:42:5)
    at HTMLCanvasElement.getContext (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\jest-environment-jsdom\node_modules\jsdom\lib\jsdom\living\generated\HTMLCanvasElement.js:50:45)
    at Object.getCanvas (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\paper\dist\paper-core.js:13645:20)
    at Object.getContext (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\paper\dist\paper-core.js:13662:21)
    at new <anonymous> (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\paper\dist\paper-core.js:13861:27)
    at Object.<anonymous> (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\paper\dist\paper-core.js:13675:17)
    at Object.<anonymous> (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\paper\dist\paper-core.js:14977:3)
    at Runtime._execModule (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\jest-runtime\build\index.js:694:13)
    at Runtime.requireModule (\react-paper-bindings\node_modules\jest-runtime\build\index.js:376:14) undefined

Also, @lehni , if you are willing to help. Can someone provide me a simpler example on how to implement paper.js with redux? I am new to many packages and the example you provided is not running in my local machine, so I can't try and modify it.