paperjs / paper.js

The Swiss Army Knife of Vector Graphics Scripting – Scriptographer ported to JavaScript and the browser, using HTML5 Canvas. Created by @lehni & @puckey
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Problem with mathematical operations on Point objects #1748

Closed croqaz closed 4 years ago

croqaz commented 4 years ago

I'm running Paper.js on ; It works, but there are a few weird things. The exact same code is running on and, but it's not working correctly on observableHQ.

I suspect it has something to do with observableHQ, but I don't know how to debug it, or how to deal with it.


The colors as name are not working: fillColor = 'blue' doesn't do anything, only the CSS value works (except for Safari, colors as name work in Safari)

Adding or substracting points is not working in any browser:

var point1 = new Point(5, 10);
var point2 = new Point(10, 20);
console.log(point1 + point2);
console.log(point2 - point1);

This prints: { x: 5, y: 10 }{ x: 10, y: 20 } NaN

Also the getNormalAt code examples from is returning NaN.

Test: Feel free to hack the code, it's editable.

Tested on 3 browsers: Firefox latest 72.0b8, Brave latest 1.2.28 Chromium: 79.0.3945.79 and Safari latest 13.0.4 on macOS.

sapics commented 4 years ago

@croqaz Thanks for report!

The colors as name are not working: In my Windows 10, Chrome and Firefox, fillColor = 'blue' looks work.

Adding or substracting points is not working in any browser: Usually, arithmetic operations for Point are only works in paperscript. is the tutorial for paperscript.

If you would like to use arithmetic operations for Point without paperscript, it might be possible with PaperScript.execute or PaperScript.load which have reference in

getNormalAt ... returning NaN: You are using arithmetic operations for Point without paperscript, it makes return NaN.

croqaz commented 4 years ago

It works. I had no idea it needs the paperscript execute, but now I can see the documentation. In case of adding points, it's easy to just replace with .add() and so on, but I don't see any way of calculating the tangent or normal with Javascript, outside of paperscript. But I can hack it together somehow.

Thank you for your response. I think you can close the issue.

lehni commented 4 years ago

All math operators have JS equivalents, see Math Operator Functions here: etc.

So this should work in pure JS:

// Create an arc shaped path:
var path = new Path({
    strokeColor: 'black'

path.add(new Point(40, 100));
path.arcTo(new Point(150, 100));

// We're going to be working with a third of the length
// of the path as the offset:
var offset = path.length / 3;

// Find the point on the path:
var point = path.getPointAt(offset);

// Find the normal vector on the path at the given offset
// and give it a length of 30:
var normal = path.getNormalAt(offset).multiply(30);

var line = new Path({
    segments: [point, point.add(normal)],
    strokeColor: 'red'

croqaz commented 4 years ago

You're right! I thought the function getNormalAt doesn't work, but in fact the getNormalAt*integer doesn't work, that was the subtle difference! Everything works perfect! Thank you for this amazing library!

croqaz commented 4 years ago

I will delete the Paper.js test from ObservableHQ

lehni commented 4 years ago

you're welcome!