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Optional Pre-Task Modal/Disclaimer/Instructions #181

Open danielandelin opened 2 years ago

danielandelin commented 2 years ago

As an option on each task the ability to add a modal - when they click to start the task - applies to assessments or normal tasks. Task/Transaction builder in the admin portal will have a place for Markdown - custom content for each Task/Transaction.

danielandelin commented 2 years ago

From Dan Roberts "One QOL update that I think is pretty low hanging fruit is if we can add a feature where Workflows and Tasks can have a window that opens up as soon as they get into the form (before they can enter any info), where we can require that they click "Okay" or "I Agree" on a Disclaimer/Instruction/Informational message that we can customize workflow to workflow and task to task. This can allow us to provide high-level info and make sure they read it (compared to burying it in the FAQ or the workflow description that is pretty small text and usually gets glossed over). Implementation team would be able to select whether to add this on a workflow assessment, or a task form, would be able to customize the messaging, and also ideally be able to customize what the "I Agree"/"Continue"/"Okay" button says. We created a GitHub issue ticket for it, but would like to add it to the product roadmap as a "Filler" project that shouldn't take too much time/dev resources to knock out. I think this is low hanging fruit with very big potential UX upside. Would require some Backend/Admin Portal updates, as well as front-end to create the Disclaimer Window functionality. Use Case examples are: 1) When someone goes into a Repurchase Equity workflow, we can put a Notice/Disclaimer that this may impact QSBS status and they should understand that impact before continuing; and 2) On more complex workflows like LLC Conversion, we can put an Instructional pop-out for each task that lets them know what that task accomplishes and how to fill it out."

matthewjrob commented 2 years ago

Related idea is for a room/outside form instruction modal that could be set through admin portal or even by an admin.

SHRoberts91 commented 2 years ago

First thought that comes to mind is that we'd most likely want to just duplicate how we do FAQs on the server code, data base, and admin portal. tables to check out: faq, project_faq, transaction_faq & room_faq. But we would want some way/properties to save if they clicked 'I Agree', mainly for the disclaimer use cases.