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Company Report in Data Room Reports task Showing Another Company from another account!!! #238

Closed danielandelin closed 2 years ago

danielandelin commented 2 years ago

If you connect a partner to a company and that partner also has their own account on Savvi the partner group is bringing in the other company into the account.


SHRoberts91 commented 2 years ago

I've got a frontend bandaid coming through, but we'll want to figure this out on the backend on why two companies are coming through here (GET /api/account/transaction/:transaction_id/questionnaire) and in the Reports View (GET /api/company_info/all). The Reports View endpoint is probably an easier place to start. You can see the resourceListData object (payload[0].resourceListData) has the 2 company items, when it should only have one.

BrackCarmony commented 2 years ago

Looking into this, it seems that RevRoad is an individual resource on the literal technologies account that has both the name for the inidivdual, but also has the name for the company resource type filled out. Looking back at the database there are 4 Inidividual resources that have a company name property set as well, the newest happened back in may 2020, so I feel like whatever caused this to happen is not a current issue. I've removed those 4 bad feature entries that were causing it to be listed as an individual and a company resource.