papers-we-love / athens

Papers We ❤️ Athens
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Meetup #2: January 11th @ Skroutz. Call for presentations. #2

Closed greenonion closed 6 years ago

greenonion commented 6 years ago

Hello everyone!

I'm happy to announce that the second Athenian Papers We Love meet up will take place on the 11th of January, at the Skroutz offices (Alekou Panagouli 91, Nea Ionia).

We expect to have one presentation per meetup, and then spend time discussing the ideas of the paper.

I'm creating this issue as a call for presentations. So, if you would like to give a talk about a paper you love, please add a comment under this issue at let us know, including the title of the paper and possibly a bit about yourself. Anyone who follows this issue can upvote any proposals they find interesting. Please bear in mind however that the final decision will be up to me and @chief.

I would like to stress that you do not have to be an expert on a field to give a presentation - let alone be one of the paper's authors. While we would more than welcome academics to present their work, the goal of this meetup is to create a community around ideas. So whether you already know and understand a paper perfectly, or you just need an extra reason to spend a few hours studying a paper you find interesting, we would be glad to have you presenting!

cmantas commented 6 years ago

Hello. I propose Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications paper.
This 2001 paper has over 13K (!) citations in "google schoolar" and is considered to be one of the most influential architectures in Distributed Systrems.

While originally designed with P2P in mind, evolutions of Its architecture (Distributed Hash Table based) are the at the core of many modern (and old) NoSQL systems: Cassandra, Amazon's Dynamo, Riak, Voldemord, etc. Not to mention that it single-handendly brought P2P file-sharing to the 21st century by proviting the indexing service for BitTorrent.

What I propose is a presentation of the architecture and protocol, with a verbal explanation of its application in the P2P era.
If we have time after the presentation we could talk about how subsequently Dynamo (one of the first dstributed Key-Value storage systems) brought DHTs in the datacenter, staring the NoSQL boom.

About Me: I am a backend software engineer, working at Skroutz's Search team.
Formelly I was a PhD candidate studying Distributed Systems in NTUA's CSLab. I have Implemented a version of Chord in my pre-graduate studies and it is precisely that assignment (and course) that convinced me to start studing about Distributed Systems in general, therefore beeing a big infuence on me.

costasd commented 6 years ago

Hey there,

I could do a small intro on the Meltdown and Spectre attacks as these are described in their papers, found on

Papers are well written, so I'm not thinking of a full-blown presentation, something short just to get people acclimated to the techniques used in these attacks, why I liked these papers and what to do from now on.

Time-wise I'd say max 15-20 minutes after the Chord presentation, no slides, just talking and mayyybe some drawing on a whiteboard.

About Me: I'm a Site Reliability Engineer/Sysadmin, working for Kentik's ops team.

greenonion commented 6 years ago

That's great then! @cmantas and @costasd I'll update the meet up event as soon as possible and we'll be in touch for the details. Thank you all!

cmantas commented 6 years ago

@costasd I found this to offer concise information on the matter. Maybe it could help on your talk