papers-we-love / organizers

Materials for starting a local Papers We Love chapter
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Eindhoven city chapter request #39

Closed jimaldon closed 7 years ago

jimaldon commented 7 years ago


I'm Jim Aldon D'Souza, a research engineer at TomTom in Eindhoven, Netherlands, I've been attending and hosting reading groups for a while, and I've always been fascinated by the work papers we love does. It's sad that there isn't a local chapter in my city, and I'd love to change that.

I'm @jimdsouza on twitter, and Eindhoven being a tech hub of the Netherlands, there is interest in a CS reading group here.

We plan to host the meetups at the Technical University of Eindhoven's library meeting spaces.

hakutsuru commented 7 years ago

@jimdsouza Eindhoven is setup -

Once you accept the invitation as collaborators, please update the Readme and Code of Conduct with your chapter's information.

You are encouraged to join our slack --

Welcome aboard.