paperswithcode / paperswithcode-data

The full dataset behind
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Generated code interfaces from paperswithcode data #15

Closed julien-c closed 2 months ago

julien-c commented 2 years ago

Sharing this in case it's helpful to anyone. 🤗

Using JTD (Json type defs) tools (, I inferred the following data interfaces from the Paperswithcode data dumps listed in this repo.

More specifically, I used a combination of:

Here are the types in Typescript notation, but it would be trivial to generate the interfaces in any other supported language (including Python, @pierrci @elishowk)

For datasets.json

// Code generated by jtd-codegen for TypeScript v0.2.0

export interface DatasetDataLoader {
    url:        string;
    repo?:      string;
    frameworks: string[];

export interface DatasetPaper {
    title: string;
     * Sometimes on PWC BUT NOT ALWAYS
    url:   string;

export interface DatasetTask {
     * Pretty name
     * e.g. Image Classification
    task: string;
     * on PWC
     * e.g.
    url:  string;

export interface Dataset {
     * e.g.
    url: string;
     * e.g. MNIST
    name: string;
    full_name?: string;
     * external
    homepage?: string;
    description: string;
    paper?: DatasetPaper;
    introduced_date?: string;
     * Always null, it seems
    warning: any;
    data_loaders: DatasetDataLoader[];
    modalities: string[];
     * list of tasks linked from this dataset
    tasks: DatasetTask[];
    languages: string[];
    num_papers: number;
    variants: string[];

For evaluation-tables.json

// Code generated by jtd-codegen for TypeScript v0.2.0

export interface DatasetLink {
    title: string;
    url: string;

export interface EvaluationTableDatasetSotaRowCodeLink {
     * e.g. tensorflow/models
    title: string;
     * e.g.
    url: string;

export interface EvaluationTableDatasetSotaRow {
    code_links: EvaluationTableDatasetSotaRowCodeLink[];
    metrics: { [key: string]: string };
    model_links: any[];
    model_name: string;
    paper_date?: string;
    paper_title: string;
    paper_url: string;
    uses_additional_data: boolean;

export interface EvaluationTableDatasetSota {
    metrics: string[];
    rows: EvaluationTableDatasetSotaRow[];

export interface EvaluationTableDataset {
     * Pretty name
     * e.g. FSNS - Test
    dataset: string;
    dataset_citations: any[];
    dataset_links: DatasetLink[];
    description: string;
    sota: EvaluationTableDatasetSota;
    subdatasets: any[];

export interface EvaluationTable {
    categories: string[];
    datasets: EvaluationTableDataset[];
    description: string;
    source_link: any;
    subtasks: EvaluationTable[];
    synonyms: any[];
     * Pretty name
     * e.g. Optical Character Recognition
    task: string;

Did not do the other files, let me know if you want me to also generate interfaces for them.

alefnula commented 2 months ago

At the moment we only support a python client for the PapersWithCode API. If the community is interested in the TypeScript implementation, voting on this issue will give us more signal and we might invest into developing one.

But, since the API is public and documented feel free to develop your own client. We would be happy to endorse it on the website. :)