papinet / papiNet-API

papiNet is a global paper, forest products and bioproducts industry e-Business initiative.
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Should we rename `confirmedShipToLocation` to `shipToLocation` within the `supplierOrderLineItems`? #113

Closed patricekrakow closed 4 months ago

patricekrakow commented 6 months ago

WARNING: purchaseOrderLineItems[].confirmedShipToLocation and supplierOrderLineItems[].confirmedShipToLocation might not be the same! And within the context of a supplier order there is actually no request nor confirmation of the ship-to location.

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patricekrakow commented 5 months ago

QUESTION: Is the confirmedShipToLocation (that might be renamed in shipToLocation) a repetition of the last routeLegs[].toLocation (that might be renamed as deliveryLegs[].shipToLocation? ANSWER by @larsolofsson: Yes. ANSWER by @t02phf: to be confirmed...

patricekrakow commented 5 months ago

DECISION from 2024-01-31 (Wed) CWG meeting: Since it is a repetition, it is better not to have the property confirmedShipToLocation at all!

patricekrakow commented 4 months ago

The property confirmedShipToLocation has been deleted, see commit 01e52c6.