papinet / papiNet-API

papiNet is a global paper, forest products and bioproducts industry e-Business initiative.
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Update of Voting Maintainers in the file #119

Closed larsolofsson closed 2 months ago

larsolofsson commented 5 months ago

Voting Maintainers should be updated.

Add Niklas Danell, Holmen Should also Bo-Göran Skansen be added?

Remove Björn Jonsson Dannetun.

According to Governance: Maintainers MUST remain active. If they are unresponsive for >6 months, they will be automatically removed unless a two-thirds supermajority vote of the other project maintainers agrees to extend the period to be greater than 6 months.

patricekrakow commented 4 months ago

I will add @PetterThy and @4boge as "Non-Voting Maintainer". I will add Niklas Danell as a "Voting Maintainers" in replacement of @bjdannetun.

patricekrakow commented 2 months ago

Done, see commit 33d044c.