papinet / papiNet-API

papiNet is a global paper, forest products and bioproducts industry e-Business initiative.
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ListOfDeliveryNotes.deliveryNotes.shipmentStatus in version 3.0.0 #133

Closed larsolofsson closed 2 months ago

larsolofsson commented 4 months ago

The same issues also apply to DeliveryNoteById.shipmentStatus

1 All parties might not implement GoodsReceipt. shipmentStatus should be changed to optional as decided at API meeting on 2025-02-28.

2 Current Enumerations

At API meeting on 2025-02-28 there was a decison to add enumeration Loaded.

In Stora use case the GoodsReceipt will be sent after unloading of the goods, i.e. not when it has arrived. So enumeration Unloaded should be added.

Should papiNet keep enumeration Arrived or remove it?

If deliveryNoteStatus is Cancelled, what enumeration should then be used for shipmentStatus? Should papiNet add a new enumeration Cancelled to be used in this case?

patricekrakow commented 3 months ago
patricekrakow commented 2 months ago

Done, see commit 9c746e3.