papinet / papiNet-API

papiNet is a global paper, forest products and bioproducts industry e-Business initiative.
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GetDeliveryNoteById.deliveryNoteLineItems.packages in version 3.0.0 #138

Closed larsolofsson closed 2 months ago

larsolofsson commented 4 months ago

pacakages: is misspelt. Should be packages.

But as I see in the meeting notes 2024-02-28, there is a decision to name it as *deliveryNotePackages (goodsReceiptPackages in Goods Receipt).

Extract from meeting notes: [OPTION 1] deliveryNoteLineItems[].packages[] goodsReceiptLineItems[].packages[]

[OPTION 2] deliveryNoteLineItems[].packages[] goodsReceiptLineItems[].goodReceiptPackages[]

[OPTION 3] deliveryNoteLineItems[].deliveryNotePackages[] goodsReceiptLineItems[].goodReceiptPackages[]

If we have to show both information in 1 message, OPTION 2 & 3, with different prefixes are better.

{ packages: [ ... ] packages: [ ... ] } You cannot easily differentiate the quantities between delivery note(s) and good receipt(s)


{ deliveryNotePackages: [ ... ] goodReceiptPackages: [ ... ] } You can directly differentiate the quantities between delivery note(s) and good receipt(s)

The package is the same, the package identifiers are the same, BUT the quantities CAN be different between the delivery note(s) and good receipt(s).

(14:51) BACK to Planning


patricekrakow commented 3 months ago

It was already done, see commit a4951ae.