papinet / papiNet-API

papiNet is a global paper, forest products and bioproducts industry e-Business initiative.
Apache License 2.0
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ListOfLogisticsDeliveryNotes: and LogisticsDeliveryNoteById: in version 3.0.0 #157

Open larsolofsson opened 3 weeks ago

larsolofsson commented 3 weeks ago

shipFromLocation and shipToLocation exist in ListOfLogisticsDeliveryNotes:, but in LogisticsDeliveryNoteById: shipFromLocation and shipToLocation are in deliveryLegs: There might be several deliveryLegs. This is confusing. Which shipFromLocation and shipToLocation are in ListOfLogisticsDeliveryNotes:?

In ListOfLogisticsDeliveryNotes shipFromLocation would be shipFromLocation in the first deliveryLeg and shipToLocation would be shipToLocation in the last deliveryLeg.

In papiNet XML there is the same structure with "header" and delivery legs. But property names are different in "header" and delivery legs because they are not the same properties. In the "header" there is ShipToCharacteristics, the last ship to location. In delivery legs there are DeliveryOrigin (ship from location for the leg) and DeliveryDestination (ship to location for the leg).

I propose that shipFromLocation and shipToLocation are added to the "header" and that shipFromLocation and shipToLocation in delivery leg are renamed to loadingLocation and unloadingLocation.

In XML shipFromParty and shipToParty are supplied in the "header" and not in the delivery legs. Shouldn't shipFromParty and shipToParty be moved from delivery leg to the "header"?

In XML there is a CarrierParty in the delivery leg. Why is in API instead a mainCarrierParty in the delivery leg? Should mainCarrierParty: be moved from delivery leg to "header" level? Isn't mainCarrierParty: responsible for all delivery legs? Should papiNet also add a carrierParty to the delivery leg?