pappasam / coc-jedi

coc.nvim wrapper for
MIT License
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Moving from PyCharm; stuck #26

Closed dycw closed 3 years ago

dycw commented 3 years ago

Hi, I am considering moving from PyCharm, and thought this would be a great place to start.

I am running a setup of the following form:

I have conda:

❯ conda env list
# conda environments:
base                  *  /home/derek/miniconda3
neovim                   /home/derek/miniconda3/envs/neovim

where I've put pynvim in the neovim environment.

In PyCharm, if I have an environment called work with pytest (for example) installed, then setting the project interpreter to the said environment would allow me to autocomplete & auto-import from:

@fix<CURSOR> # <-- press <Ctrl+Enter> twice
def stuff():


from pytest import fixture

def stuff():

I cannot seem to recreate this.

In my init.vim I have:

let conda_default_env = $CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV
if conda_default_env == 'base'
  let env_name = 'neovim'
  let env_name = conda_default_env
let bin_python = expand('~') . '/miniconda3/envs/' . env_name . '/bin/python'
if filereadable(bin_python)
  let g:python3_host_prog = bin_python

which allows me to use different pythons as I switch around projects, as well as

Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {
  \ 'do': { -> coc#util#install() },
  \ 'branch': 'release',
  \ 'tag': '*',
  \ }

let g:coc_global_extensions = [
  \ 'coc-jedi',
  \ ]

along with the rest of the stuff from here.

I haven't configured coc-settings.json besides setting its entirety to this.

Any assistance please?

FWIW, I am able to do the symbol rename and other things:

 3 [Scrat┌New name ───────────────────────┐                                                         
✘ 1   def│foo2                            │                          
    1    └────────────────────────────────┘                                                         
✘   4 @pytes                                                                                        
✘   5 def bar(x: int) -> str:                                                                       
✘   6     return foo2(x)                                                                            
pappasam commented 3 years ago

Ah, I believe you're running into a jedi limitation. Jedi does not support autoimport, nor will it in the future. . Since you are trying to automatically insert an import statement, it appears this is not currently possible and never will be possible with Jedi (I assume for a combination of performance and generalization reasons).

Please let me know if this adequately answers your question; if yes, feel free to close the issue. If not, let me know what else you might be having trouble replicating.

pappasam commented 3 years ago

Also, just found this tool, maybe you can experiment with it and let me know how it goes for you!

dycw commented 3 years ago

Hi @pappasam, thanks for dropping by.

I understand the issue of this being a jedi limitation now, thank you. However, allow me to expand on my query. If I am to write imports by hand, am I right in expecting my interpreter to understand what's been installed into my environment? Viz.:

from numpy import <CURSOR>

should start showing me members of __all__, like arange, ones, etc?

Whilst unable to get this working straight up, I can't be sure where to start debugging because there appears to be many places to set "interpreter path" (using PyCharm terminology) like:

  1. ~/.config/nvim/init.vim which has python3_host_prog,
  2. ~/.config/nvim/coc-settings.json which has both python.pythonPath and python.venvPath, and jedi has jedi.executable.command (I have read this).

I don't mind installing pynvim and jedi-language-server in each of my conda/poetry environments wasteful as that might sound - I'm just trying to get started!

Further, it's unclear if I need to install jedi by hand? Can I just leave

let g:coc_global_extensions = ['coc-jedi']

in my init.vim and have coc.nvim do the rest?

P.S. Thanks for introducing me to autoimport.

pappasam commented 3 years ago

I believe you'll need to install pynvim everywhere (that's a Neovim requirement), but coc-jedi manages the installation of jedi-language-server in one place if you configure it appropriately. Everything's documented in the readme, but the relevant section is here.

And yes, Neovim + coc-jedi can discover what's been installed in your environment if you've installed pynvim. See the following screencast for what you should be able to do with proper configuration:

Peek 2021-02-25 00-16

If you're looking for overall configuration recommendations, my vimrc is a gem:

Additionally, I use the function ve from my zshrc to create a virtualenv for Python. This automatically installs all the necessary software to make Vim behave. See:

Good luck on your configuration journey, there are no right answers in the Vim world, part of the fun is figuring out the exact setup that works for you. Soon you'll be able to do with every language what you used to do with Python in PyCharm!

dycw commented 3 years ago

Thanks for stopping by again - I will have a good look! (Not sure why I didn't think of going through your dotfiles!)

Allow me to close this for now. Cheers!