pappasam / jedi-language-server

A Python language server exclusively for Jedi. If Jedi supports it well, this language server should too.
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Editor opens internal typeshed file instead of real file in venv #264

Open Morikko opened 1 year ago

Morikko commented 1 year ago

Expected vs. Actual

Expected: When Ctrl-clicking on a function from a given package, the editor opens the actual file in which the function definition is found in the virtual environment.

Actual: When Ctrl-clicking on a function from a given package, the editor opens the typeshed file matching the definition installed within the extension itself.

How to reproduce

  1. Create a new folder/workspace and open vscode;
  2. Create a new Python file with eg.:
import flask

assert flask.__version__ == "2.2.3"

class Route(flask.Blueprint):

r = Route("test", "test")

(Using Flask here as an example)

  1. Create a new venv: python -m venv env && source env/bin/activate
  2. Install flask: pip install flask
  3. Mouse hover over from_app and click.

The editor will bring up the typeshed in the extension directory, ~/.vscode-oss/extensions/ms-python.python-2023.4.1-universal/pythonFiles/lib/jedilsp/jedi/third_party/typeshed/third_party/2and3/flask/blueprints.pyi instead of opening env/lib64/python3.X/site-packages/flask/, which is what eg. mypy will use to check the project against.

The hover I see:


Technical details

The Flask v2 signature:

    def add_url_rule(
        rule: str,
        endpoint: t.Optional[str] = None,
        view_func: t.Optional[ft.RouteCallable] = None,
        provide_automatic_options: t.Optional[bool] = None,
        **options: t.Any,
    ) -> None:

While it is the old Flask v1 here:

    def add_url_rule(self, rule: str, endpoint: Optional[str] = ..., view_func: _ViewFunc = ..., **options: Any) -> None: ...

Jedi looks to act normally, so I believe the problem is how it is used by jedi-language-server:

import jedi

assert jedi.__version__ == '0.18.2'

def filter_function_params(completions):
    return [c for c in completions if c.complete.endswith("=")]

def get_function_function_params_completion(func):
    return filter_function_params(
                    func.__name__: func,

# [<Completion: endpoint=>, <Completion: provide_automatic_options=>, <Completion: rule=>, <Completion: view_func=>]

provide_automatic_options parameter is present and only Flask v2.

Note: The issue was originally open here:

pappasam commented 1 year ago

I'm able to reproduce and believe this is an issue with how Jedi's Script.goto logic prioritizes the Jedi-managed typeshed stubs.

Note: we don't use jedi.Interpreter within the editing environment. Instead, we rely on jedi.Script. See: