Open danlangford opened 2 weeks ago
This is a bug specific to when there are multiple turbo dice. It is only considering m_turbo_option if the first turbo die is involved in the attack. It breaks if there is more than one, and the attack involves one of the subsequent turbo dice.
The problem is in GenerateValidAttacks(), it has code that says "only do m_turbo_option if one of the attacking dice is turbo".
INT turbo_die = attacker->HasDieWithProperty(BME_PROPERTY_TURBO);
if (turbo_die>0)
turbo_die--; // HasDieWithProperty() returns index+1
if (!attack->m_attackers.IsSet(turbo_die))
If you look at HasDieWithProperty(), it returns the first die that has a that property.
A quick partial fix would update GenerateValidAttacks like this (pseudocode):
INT turbo_dice = CountDiceWithProperty(TURBO)
if (turbo_dice > 0)
foreach move
// does move involve a turbo die?
turbo_die = find first attacking die with property (TURBO)
if (turbo_die == 0) continue; // next move
BACKLOG The above isn't a complete solution since the code as written only supports one turbo die. Recommend splitting off a new issue to support multiple turbo dice. It doesn't look straightforward since the BMC_MOVE class only supports specifying the option/sides for one turbo die. It would have to be updated to support setting for multiple attacking dice.
Worth noting that in the meantime, an attack that involves multiple turbo option/swing dice could generate an incorrect move. E.g. look at the output code - it reads the same "_move.m_turbo_option" property for all attacking dice.
// send TURBO
if (_move.m_turbo_option>=0)
INT i;
for (i=0; i<attacker->GetAvailableDice(); i++)
att_die = attacker->GetDie(i);
if (!att_die->HasProperty(BME_PROPERTY_TURBO))
if (att_die->HasProperty(BME_PROPERTY_OPTION))
Send("option %d %d\n", att_die->GetOriginalIndex(), att_die->GetSides(_move.m_turbo_option));
Send("swing %c %d\n", BMD_FIRST_SWING_CHAR + att_die->GetSwingType(0) - BME_SWING_FIRST, _move.m_turbo_option);
im leaving myself a note here to clarify a few things about turbo
1) does bmai support turbo on Option dice as well as Swing? 2) does bmai only specify turbo size if it chooses not to change turbo size?
there is a game that uses this input
and the output is
and die idx 2 is a turbo die but it doesn't spit out a turbo size. was that a bug? or a misunderstanding on my part maybe that means it doesn't want to change the size.