when executing imdbsearch with an imdb id as search criteria, it will automatically redirect from the imdb search web page to the imdb details web page
ImdbSearchConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap and ImdbNameConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap and ImdbTtileConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap
should all return the same map structure for the results
scrapeIMDBSearchDetails.myConvertWebTextToTraversableTree should detect and person details or movie details result and delegate to the appropriate webscraper
when executing imdbsearch with an imdb id as search criteria, it will automatically redirect from the imdb search web page to the imdb details web page
ImdbSearchConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap and ImdbNameConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap and ImdbTtileConverter.dtoFromCompleteJsonMap should all return the same map structure for the results
scrapeIMDBSearchDetails.myConvertWebTextToTraversableTree should detect and person details or movie details result and delegate to the appropriate webscraper