papyri / navigator

Code for the Papyrological Navigator
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Browse not functioning properly #148

Closed jcowey closed 1 year ago

jcowey commented 1 year ago

Similar to #141

I am forwarding here a mail I received from Demokritos Kaltsas:

"Sorry to be a nuisance, but I now find that other large parts of BGU are missing, vols. XI–XIII completely, X and XIV partly. Perhaps you are already on it. If the issue is not temporary and if it can strike anytime anywhere, I think it would be best to make an announcement, so that people are at least forewarned. It is also a good opportunity to remind people that maintaining should be our first priority ... "

If one goes to

One sees that bgu 11, bgu 12, bgu 13 are missing. This has happened before after a re-index. If I remember correctly, it is something that does not require another re-index, but needs some manual fixing of the browse functionality.

Would be great if you could fix this as soon as you can possibly manage.