paradigm / TextObjectify

TextObjectify is a Vim plugin which improves text-objects
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Breaks repeat #7

Open dag opened 11 years ago

dag commented 11 years ago

Say I have

Here's an <em>example</em> for you!

and then I do /em<CR>ciwstrong<Esc>n..

Without TextObjectify, I end up with

Here's an <strong>example</strong> for you!

which is what I want, but with TextObjectify I get


That's the whole line.

paradigm commented 11 years ago

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Yep, I see that here as well. It's actually been really bugging me while I'm doing my own work. I'll see if I can fix this and the other hanging TOify issues in the near future.

I think the cleanest way to remedy this will be to utilize

justinmk commented 10 years ago

Well, I'm dumb. That last commit didn't actually fix #7, it just fixed a regression that I caused. Repeat still doesn't work. But at least there are no regressions (?) :)

bruno- commented 10 years ago

Any progress on this? This plugin got me really excited, but now I'm kinda "low" that I see there's this bug..

wellle commented 10 years ago

@bruno- Check out targets.vim for similar functionality with working repeatability.

@paradigm Feel free to delete this comment if you don't want this kind of cross promotion.

bruno- commented 10 years ago

@wellle, you mentioned it in a reddit discussion a while ago. I have it installed since, working flawless - thanks a lot for building it.

paradigm commented 9 years ago

Yes, my apologies, for the time being I'd recommend targets.vim instead. While I'd love to revisit this, it doesn't look like it's going to happen in a timely manner.

ChanderG commented 5 years ago

I have managed to integrate repeat.vim here. I can open a PR if needed.