paradoxxxzero / butterfly

A web terminal based on websocket and tornado
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A 'b url' command or similar to open a URL in the browser the terminal is accessed through. #184

Open GrahamDumpleton opened 5 years ago

GrahamDumpleton commented 5 years ago

Is it technically possible to implement a b url command that could communicate over the web socket back to the browser that the terminal is accessed using, and have the browser side code open the supplied URL in a new window/tab of the browser?

If this was available, then one could create a fake script xdg-open and put it in the PATH which actually called b url. That way Python applications that use, including the b open command, or any other applications that tries to use a similar approach to open a URL in a browser, would be able to work where the terminal session is actually running on a remote system to the browser.

If you think this is technically possibly and can provide pointers of how it could be integrated, then I can have a go at adding support for it. Thanks.

GrahamDumpleton commented 5 years ago

My guess at what is needed is to add to butterfly/ an escape of:

def url():

and then in function:

and one for URL, which runs, '_blank'); or similar.

Can then code up butterfly/bin/ to use that.

GrahamDumpleton commented 5 years ago

The problem with this is how to do it so as to avoid popup blocker. :-(