paragonie / airship-barge

Build Gadgets for Airship projects (Command Line Interface)
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Interactive Wizard #2

Open paragonie-scott opened 8 years ago

paragonie-scott commented 8 years ago

Your first run should be barge wizard, which should follow this script:

  1. Do you have an Airship supplier account?
    • Yes -> Go to Step 2
    • No -> Instruct user to create one at the correct URL, then go to step 2.
  2. Prompt the user to login to their supplier account.
    • If the supplier already has keys, abort telling them this is only meant for the first run.
  3. Explain that we're going to generate two keys, and the first one will be slower to generate.
  4. Ask the user for their master password.
  5. Generate a master keypair. Send the public key upstream (never send the salt).
  6. Ask the user for the password for their signing key.
  7. Ask the user if they want to store the salt in the cloud. Explain pros and cons. Default to NO.
  8. Generate a signing keypair. Sign with their master key. Send the public key upstream.
  9. Tell the user their keys are setup, instruct them how to make backups.
  10. Tell the user the next steps to take:
    • barge cabin to create a new Cabin
    • barge gadget to create a new Gadget
    • barge motif to create a new Motif
paragonie-scott commented 8 years ago

Punting to 0.3.0