paragonie / airship

Secure Content Management for the Modern Web - "The sky is only the beginning"
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Implemented Basic Build Process For Front End #186

Closed Robert430404 closed 7 years ago

Robert430404 commented 7 years ago


We spoke on twitter about me doing this, and this is the first iteration to get something in place so the front end has something a bit more modern for managing assets, and building JS and SCSS.

Please feel free to give me tweaks, and ask all the questions you want. My end goal with this is to start working on making the admin area more pretty.

I'm no security expert, but I would love to help further this project.

Issues Addressed (Optional)

None really, it's just going to make working on the styling for the administration area easier because it's going to allow you to write your JavaScript in ES6 (so short closures, classes, true constructors, etc...) and write SCSS vs Plain CSS (Variables, Imports, Mixins).

As a side note, Gulp will also allow you to make use of things like an auto pre-fixer for CSS if you want to use more experimental features of the standard like filters.

Another thing this includes is the ability to manage outside libraries with bower so you're not manually hunting them down and versioning them.

Contributor Agreement (Required)

I am submitting this pull request under one or more of the following licenses:

Furthermore, I understand that CMS Airship is released under the GNU Public License to the general public, as well as private commercial licenses (purchasable from Paragon Initiative Enterprises).

By submitting this pull request, I acknowledge that my contribution will be incorporated into CMS Airship, and consent for it to be handled as outlined above.

(This does not in any way restrict your rights to use your own modifications. The purpose of this agreement is to maximize awareness and transparency.)

Labels Requested

Feel free to list any labels you feel are appropriate for this issue, and a member of the Airship core team will apply them as soon as possible.

paragonie-scott commented 7 years ago

Thanks for this. I saw the Travis failure and assumed it was a work-in-progress, but it turns out, it was failing because of an existing error in dev-master when you submitted this.

Robert430404 commented 7 years ago

Cool, thanks for merging this in, I didn't do anything in regards to the PHP, so I was kinda surprised when the build failed. Glad to hear I didn't accidentally break anything. I'll be sending in more PR's as time permits.