paragonie / paseto

Platform-Agnostic Security Tokens
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Naming issue #28

Closed phaza closed 6 years ago

phaza commented 6 years ago

I really like this initiative, so we can get rid of pesky JWT. Although I probably don't understand all the dangers, I know there are some, which make me uncertain even if I were to do JWT seemingly done right :/

And although I really like the name itself, the usability of the acronym is really bad. It's more or less impossible to search for. Is there any chance of an acronym change?

I don't have any good suggestions off the top of my head, but I'm willing to put some effort into it if you're open to an acronym change of some sort?

paragonie-scott commented 6 years ago

Is there any chance of an acronym change?

Very much yes. I went with "PAST" because I struggled and ultimately failed to think of something clever.

paragonie-scott commented 6 years ago

What if we renamed this to Paseto? (PASeTo) It's far more Googleable.

BusterNeece commented 6 years ago

what about SEXTANT

Secure, EXtensible, Tech-Agnostic, Nifty Tokens

has kind of a nautical vibe to it, and appears largely unoccupied :P

paragonie-scott commented 6 years ago

I really like SEXTANT as a name.

I'm going to go with Paseto simply because it minimizes the change necessary (same name, just different acronym) but is distinguishable on Google.

If @tqbf et al. are serious about a Web Token Competition, I hope someone uses it for their entry. It's a good one.

paragonie-scott commented 6 years ago

I'm very ironically running into the naming issue trying to search for other implementations of PAST (e.g. Python) to let repository owners know about the new acronym. I think this is an overwhelmingly positive idea.

phaza commented 6 years ago

Good call, I like the name!